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Is it beautiful? Do you like it? What can you see in the school? * 7A Unit3 Welcome to the unit Comic strip a playground a classroom building a classroom an art room a music room a computer room a library a library It looks very modern. a reading room a hall an office Try to describe our school Our school looks…. There is/are… . We also have…. The playground is…. … is in front of …. … is behind…. … is on the ground floor. What subjects do we study at school? Music PE Maths Art Chinese English Geography Biology History 15 October 班会 第七节 15∶25—16∶10 生物 第六节 14∶30—15∶15 地理 第五节 13∶30—14∶15 历史 第四节 10∶35—11∶20 数学 第三节 9∶40—10∶25 语文 第二节 8∶35—9∶20 英语 第一节 7∶50—8∶25 星期一 S1: Which of the subjects do you like best? S2: I like… best. S1: Why? S2: Because it… What about you? 1 Which subject does Eddie like best? 2 How many cakes does Eddie want to eat? He likes Maths best. He wants to eat three cakes. parents’ meeting have a parents’ meeting 1 What’s the date of the Open Day in Millie’s school? 2 Can Millie’s mother go to her school? 3 What time does the parents’ meeting begin? 4 What else do parents do after the meeting? 5 Where does Millie meet her mother? * * * .. * Look at Pic What’s the date today? Here is your schedule. In school, there are many subjects. What is your favourite one? Which is you favourite subject? Why do you like this subject? * Millie wants her mother to come to school on the Open Day. Please listen to the tape and answer these questions. Millie wants her mother to come to school on the Open Day. Please listen to the tape and answer these questions.


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