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广东金融学院Guangdong University of Finance 题 目 中小零售企业共同物流模式管理与策略研究 作 者 华凤莲 所 属 系 工商管理系 专业年级 2012届工商管理专业 学 号 121522133 指导老师 陈刚 职称 XX 写作时间 2014年12月27日 摘 要 多种物流模式共存是目前国内零售业物流的现实状况,这种状况的存在是零售业应对市场环境变化的结果。因此,企业物流模式的选择对提高物流绩效,提高物流服务水平有很大的影响。本文从我国现阶段零售企业物流的现状分析,提出我国中小零售企业物流目前存在的问题。与国外企业相比,国内零售企业对应用比较有限,并且存在运作效率低、统一配送率低、物流成本高、信息共享低以及信息化水平低等问题Abstract Coexistence of multiple logistic model is the reality of the domestic retail logistics, the existence of this situation is changing retail market environment should result. Therefore, the choice of enterprise logistics model to improve the logistics performance to improve the level of logistics services has a great impact. In this paper, the status of our current retail logistics analysis, logistics Chinese small and medium retail enterprises existing problems. Compared with foreign enterprises, the domestic retail business logistics applications more limited, and there is inefficient and low uniform distribution, logistics costs are high, information sharing and information-based low-low level of problem. Based on the various exploration and understanding of the logistics models to analyze the pros and cons, and finally put forward the joint logistics is the logistics services to improve small and medium retail enterprises an effective means. Small Retailers in consumer demand, business philosophy, and experience means product and related business technology, market competition, profound changes have taken place, is an urgent need to advance a common logistics. In this paper, the establishment of small and medium retail enterprises from a common logistics model concept, to develop and strengthen small and medium retail enterprises the main common logistics model, integrated logistics resources, small and medium retail enterprises such as the specific interpretation of the logistics of


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