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Ch3.Depth dose distribution 深度剂量分布 Introduction Why we should know depth dose distribution? What will affect the depth dose distribution? How can we describe the depth dose distribution? How can we calculate depth dose distribution? Section1 Basic concepts in physics of radiation therapy Section1 Basic concepts in physics of radiation therapy 放射源(source,S):没有特别说明的情况下一般规定为放射源前表面的中心,或产生辐射的靶面中心。 射野中心轴(central axe):射线束的中心对称轴线。临床上一般用放射源穿过照射野中心的连线作为射野中心轴。 照射野(field size):射线束经准直器后垂直通过模体的范围,用模体表面的截面大小表示照射野的面积(几何射野)。临床剂量学中规定模体内50%同等剂量曲线的延长线交于模体表面的区域定义为照射野的大小。 Section1 Basic concepts in physics of radiation therapy 参考点(reference point):规定模体表面下射野中心轴上某一点作为剂量计算或测量参考的点,表面到参考点的深度记为d0。400KV以下X射线,参考点取在模体表面( d0 =0),对高能X射线或射线,参考点取在模体表面下最大剂量点位置( d0 = dm),该位置随能量变化并由能量确定。 源皮距(source-surface distance, SSD):放射源到模体表面照射野中心的距离。 Section1 Basic concepts in physics of radiation therapy 源瘤距( source-tumor distance, STD):放射源沿射野中心轴到肿瘤内所考虑点的距离。 源轴距( source-axis distance, SAD ):放射源到机架旋转轴或机器等中心点的距离。 Section2. Percentage Depth Dose and its Distribution Section2.Percentage Depth Dose Distribution 1.The concept of PDD 1.1 the definition: The quantity percentage depth dose may be defined as the quotient, expressed as a percentage, of the absorbed dose at any depth d to the absorbed dose at a fixed reference depth d0, along the central axis of the beam. Section2.Percentage Depth Dose Distribution 1.2 The property: For orthovoltage (up to 400KVp) and lower-energy x-rays, the reference depth is usually at the surface (d0=0). For higher energies, the reference depth is taken at the position of the peak absorbed dose(d0=dm) . In clinical practice, the peak absorbed dose on the central axis is sometimes called the maximum dose, the dose maximum, or simply the Dmax. Section2.Percentage Depth Dose Distribution 最大剂量点深度dm随射线能量增加而增加, 对于Co-60 γ 射线,最大剂量点深度在5mm处, 对于 4 MV X 射线,最大剂量点深度在1cm处, 对于 8 MV X 射线,最大剂量点深度在2cm处, Section2.Percentage Depth Dose Distribution 对于半价层在1~2mmCu的低能X射线,当射野很大时,最大剂量点略在表面下,此时参考


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