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Modern Linguistics 现代语言学, 2015, 3(4), 146-153 Published Online November 2015 in Hans. /journal/ml /10.12677/ml.2015.34019 文章引用: 王宏军. 维特根斯坦的语言哲学与语用学[J]. 现代语言学, 2015, 3(4): 146-153. /10.12677/ml.2015.34019 Wittgenstein’s Linguistic Philosophy and Pragmatics Hongjun Wang School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai Received: Oct. 17th, 2015; accepted: Nov. 6th, 2015; published: Nov. 9th, 2015 Copyright ? 2015 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract This paper has systematically expounded the ideology of Wittgenstein’s linguistic philosophy, which concludes two parts: his early thoughts and his later thoughts. His early thoughts refer to his consideration of the nature of language in his book “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”, which we summarize as Picture Theory. His later thoughts include “language games”, “form of life”, “rule- following”, “family resemblance”, “private language”, and “meaning as use”. Particularly, the idea of “language games” fully embodies Wittgenstein’s pragmatic thoughts, that is, participants must be involved in the language use and an utterance of participants is a speech act which will be mea- ningful only in a specific context. Each utterance of participants has got its own intention. Mean- while, the participants have to observe the pragmatic principles or rules so that the two parties can understand the meanings of the utterances, that the hearer can understand the speaker’s in- tention to obtain the successful communication. Keywords Wittgenstein, Philosophy, Pragmatics, Picture Theory, Language Games 维特根斯坦的语言哲学与语用学 王宏军 上海电机学院外国语学院,上海 收稿日期:2015年10月17日;录用日期:2015年11月6日;发布日期:2015年11月9日 王宏军 147 摘 要 本文系统地阐述了维特根斯坦的语言哲学思想体系,即他的早期思想和后期思想。维特根斯坦的早期思 想指他在《逻辑哲学论》中对语言本性的主要思考,我们总结为“图像论”。维特根斯坦的后期思想包 括了语言游戏说、生活形式、规则遵守、家族相似性、私人语言以及意义即使用,特别是语言游戏,它 充分体现出维


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