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完成句子 ①________________ I interviewed him,he looked a bit nervous. 我第一次去采访他时,他看起来有点紧张。 ②________________ in the park,he is absorbed in reading newspapers. 每当我在公园里看到这位老人时,他都在专注地读报。 ③[写作佳句] Come here as soon as you finish the work.=Come here ________________ you finish the work. 工作一结束你就到这里来。 答案 ①The first time ②Each/Every time I see the old man  ③the moment/the minute/the instant 特别提示:for the first time“第一次”,在句中只能作状语,不具有连词功能,不能用来引导状语从句。 知识运用 知识梳理 Ⅰ.核心单词→识记·思考·运用 一、单词拼写 1.(2015·天津,2)The ________ (质量) of education in this small school is better than that in some larger schools. 2.*She has been ________ (积极的) in local politics for some years. 3.Many founders of our country ________ (献出) their lives to the cause of revolution. 4.(2015·安徽,阅读D)When an individual ant comes under ________ (攻击)or is dying,it sends out an alarm pheromone. 5.*Those who protect the oilfield will be ________ (奖赏). quality active devoted attack rewarded 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.(2015·天津,书面表达)We may have different ________ (opinion)in organizing class activities. 2.*It is ________ (legal)to read people’s private letters without permission. 3.*(2015·浙江,阅读D)I was never asked to take part even when one team had a member missing—not out of special ________ (cruel). 4.(2015·浙江,阅读D)The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet,________ (peace)time to gather my thoughts. 5.If a teacher doesn’t treat all his students equally,it is ________ (fair). opinions illegal cruelty peaceful unfair 6.*(2014·辽宁,阅读填空)While some follow the medical ________ (guide)for wearing contact lenses,many are breaking the rules and putting their eyesight at risk. 7.(2014·广东,阅读B)Kindness can build on itself as much as ________ (violent)can. 8.*Everyone hopes to be treated ________ (equal)because ________ (equal)is the basic demand. 9.*Love is ________ (self),while friendship is ________ (self). 10.They also tend to be more ________ (educate),and ________ (educate)is one of the strongest factors of good health. gu


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