QoSMIC Quality of Service sensitive Multicast Internet protoCol.pdf

QoSMIC Quality of Service sensitive Multicast Internet protoCol.pdf

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QoSMIC Quality of Service sensitive Multicast Internet protoCol

QoSMIC: Quality of Service sensitive Multicast Internet protoColMichalis Faloutsos Anindo Banerjea Rajesh PankajU. of Toronto U. of Toronto Qualcomm Inc.Computer Science Electr. and Comp. Eng. 6455 Lusk BlvdToronto M5S 3G4, Canada Toronto M5S 3G4, Canada San Diego CA 92121, USAmfalou@ banerjea@ rpankaj@AbstractIn this paper, we present, QoSMIC, a multicast protocolfor the Internet that supports QoS-sensitive routing, andminimizes the importance of a priori con guration decisions(such as core selection). The protocol is resource-ecient,robust, exible, and scalable. In addition, our protocol isprovably loop-free.Our protocol starts with a resources-saving tree (SharedTree) and individual receivers switch to a QoS-competitivetree (Source-Based Tree) when necessary. In both trees, thenew destination is able to choose the most promising amongseveral paths. An innovation is that we use dynamic rout-ing information without relying on a link state exchangeprotocol to provide it. Our protocol limits the e ect of pre-con guration decisions drastically, by separating the man-agement from the data transfer functions; administrativerouters are not necessarily part of the tree. This separa-tion increases the robustness, and exibility of the protocol.Furthermore, QoSMIC is able to adapt dynamically to theconditions of the network.The QoSMIC protocol introduces several new ideas thatmake it more exible than other protocols proposed to date.In fact, many of the other protocols, (such as YAM, PIM-SM, BGMP, CBT) can be seen as special cases of QoSMIC.This paper presents the motivation behind, and the designof QoSMIC, and provides both analytical and experimentalresults to support our claims.1 IntroductionMulticasting can be de ned as the distribution of the sameinformation stream from one to many nodes concurrently. Inthe last few years, multicast routing has attracted a lot of at-tention from the networks community, since many emergingapplications are of multicast nature, such as


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