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M3U2 词汇练习或检测 根据句意和所给中文或首字母写出句中所缺的单词 Susan was such a determination girl that she could never be d__________ by anything difficult. Mr Tailor has been o_________ with lots of business these days. He can hardly spend any free time with kids. According to o_________ figures, about 150civilians were killed in the terrorist attack. Never treat your mother like a s__________. You should learn to do some washing and cooking. Charile wasted an e_________ day waiting for his cousin, but Oliver didn’t turn up till the next day. Normally at the age of six, a child is able to d________ between right and wrong. Red in most countries is a s__________ of happiness, while in some countries it represents a warning of danger. What matters is that we teenagers should be trustworthy in d________ as well as in word. If we c_________ theory with practice, we can work more effectively. Normally a red sky at night i___________ fine weather the following day. Though apart from each other for a decade, I r______ him as soon as he stood before me. The problem must be c__________ to him, as we can see from his puzzled look. I don’t know his password, so I can’t have a_________ to his computer. To enrich your v_______, you must read more in your spare time. Over time some Chinese characters have been s_________ and others have been made more complex. With the development of technology, new equipment is r_________ the old machines in the company. The most important c__________( 贡献)to the development of the new type of English was from the Normans. Practice makes perfect. You must c_________(克服)your fear of driving. Recently a scientific research i___________(显示)that diets are most effective when combined with exercise. Nowadays when we are shopping, it is very c_______ (方便)to pay by credit card. A medical team c_______(包含)of 10 doctors and 5 nurses have been sent to the mudslide-hit area. Hero as he is, he also has a lot of ____________(缺点). While I admit your plan is reasonable, I don’t think


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