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Talk about your favourite starts A: Hello.What is Cheng Long ? B:He’s an actor. A: What is Song Zuying ? B: She’s a singer. A: What is Zhang Manyu ? B: She’s an actress . A:Thank you .See you . B: Bye. Some jobs have different names when they are done by men and women. policewoman policeman waiter waitress salesman saleswoman Listen and match . 同步练习 P41 Panda wants to write something to Ben. Let’s do with him. (完成达标测评练习) 1. Panda wants to write something to Ben. Let’s do with him. (完成短文) Hi, I have a happy family. My father draws very well. He is _______ _________. an artist My mother likes singing songs. She is_______ _______. My aunt reports news on TV. She is _____ ______ My uncle writes stories. He is __ _____ a singer a TV reporter writer a My grandmother acts very well. She is _____ ________. My grandfather acts very well, too. He is _____ _______. an actress an actor I like helping sick (病)people. I am going to be a great ______________. doctor 2. 根据答句,写问句 1)A:____________________ B:My father is an actor. 2) A:______________________ B:Yes. She is a Chinese teacher. 3) A:_____________________ B: My aunt is going to be a doctor. What does your father do ? Is she a Chinese teacher? What is your aunt going to be ? What have we learned in this class? Homework 1. Copy the new words and the sentences . 2. Practice the dialogue in groups. 3. Writing.写出刚才所表演的对话。(选做题) so much today ! Thank you ! What does she do? Unit 5 Yangwei Middle School Wang Yanhui I have a penpal .She’s Miss Panda. (一). My friend Panda is doing his homework.He can’t do it.Can you help him?(照样子,完成句子)。 1. I work in a factory(工厂). I am a worker. 2. I teach Chinese. I am a 3. I sing songs. I am a 4. I report news on TV. I am a TV 5. I drive cars. I am a teacher. singer. driver. reporter. What can you find?(你发现了什么规律?) _______________________________ What do you want to know about her ? What does she do ? Let’s watch Listen


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