An Analysis of the Symbolism of the Moor in Wuthering Heights 英语专业毕业论文.doc

An Analysis of the Symbolism of the Moor in Wuthering Heights 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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An Analysis of the Symbolism of the Moor in Wuthering Heights Abstract This paper intends to show the symbolism of the Moor in Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights is Emily Bronte’s unique and splendid masterpiece. Wuthering Heights is the one of the remarkable books which is not forgotten by the people. Wuthering Heights has been published in English literature were considered to be a history of “the most peculiar novel.” It is a “strange book” and “great book”. In the novel Wuthering Heights, the author Emily Bronte skillfully utilized some particular narration techniques. The moor in her writing is not just environment description but of symbolic significance. This paper consists of views on Emily Bronte’s childhood and the background of that society. It analyzes Emily Bronte’s individuality, elaborates and discusses the symbolism of the moor in Wuthering Heights from perspectives of metaphor research and feminism criticism of literature theory. The analysis shows that Emily Bronte used metaphor to symbolize the pleasant memory of childhood by describing the moor; to symbolize both physical and metal freedom by describing the moor. Key words: Emily Bronte, Moor, Freedom, Feminism criticism,The Victorian Age, individuality symbolism of the moor, metaphor 摘 要 本篇论文旨在阐述《呼啸山庄》一书中,荒原的象征作用。 《呼啸山庄》是艾米莉?勃朗特的杰作。《呼啸山庄》是一部没有被时间尘土湮没得杰出作品。《呼啸山庄》中作者的匠心独运的叙事技巧是其艺术魅力之所在。《呼啸山庄》出版后一直被人认为是英国文学史上一部“最奇特的小说”,是一部“奥秘莫测”的“怪书”。 本文通过对《呼啸山庄》荒原的象征作用的阐述,表现了作者艾米莉?勃朗特个性,且对作者的时代背景也进行了相应的剖析。论文从对荒原隐喻的研究和文艺理论女权主义批评角度上阐述,探讨了《呼啸山庄》背景描写之荒原的喻义。揭示了荒原在作者艾米莉?勃朗特心中的重要地位。《呼啸山庄》中的荒原象征着作者童年的美好回忆,也象征着维多利时代的女性们摆脱身体束缚的渴望思想和向往精神自由心灵的召唤。 关键字:艾米莉?勃朗特,荒原,自由主义,女权主义,维多利亚时代,荒原的象征,隐喻 Contents Abstract 1 Key words 1 摘要 2 关键字: 2 1.Introduction: 4 2.Analysis (body) : 5 2.1“Wuthering Heights” is a “great book”. 5 2.2 “The Moor” which works as a soul prop of the whole story 6 2.3 “The moor” is important to the author— Emily Bronte 6 2.4 Metaphor is more than language, it has poured into authors thoughts and feelings 7



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