人民版高中英语必修5 unit5_591183.ppt

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人民版高中英语必修5 unit5_591183

Nowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents. What would you do in such situations? In a medical emergency what telephone number would you call? A.110 B. 114 C. 120 D.119 1 First aid quiz When you are carrying out rescue breathing, where do you check for a pulse? A. the neck B. the wrist C. the foot D. the chest 2 First aid quiz When carrying out rescue breathing, how many times a minute should you blow air into the victim’s mouth? A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D. 20 3 First aid quiz First aid quiz Which person would you help first? A. Li Yan who has cut her foot on glass B. Xue Jin whose nose is bleeding C. Gao Yuan who is on the ground not breathing D. Wang Feng who has broken her arm 4 How would you stop severe bleeding? A.cover the wound with plastic B. wash the wound C. do nothing as the bleeding will stop by itself D. put a bandage over the wound and then press on it 5 First aid quiz What is first aid? First aid is the kind of help given to someone who suddenly ___________ or _____________ before a doctor can be found. falls ill gets injured Dangerous accidents in our life Can you guess what will happen to the girl? How will her mother deal with the burn? Look at the picture on the left. What has happened? The girl has pulled boiling water onto herself. She will get bad burns. R e a d i n g I.Skimming(略读) Scanning(跳读) Reading: First Aid for Burns R e a d i n g The text are divided into five parts. Put these topics in order. Number them from 1 to 5. ____ the three types of burns ____ what to do if someone gets burned ____ the functions of skin ____ the symptoms of burns ____ how we get burns 3 5 1 4 2 R e a d i n g Read para1 and 2 carefully and answer questions: 1. What can skin do for our body? (P1) ● protect you against diseases, pois



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