Distribution of vanadium species between soil and plants in the vicinity of vanadium mine Original.pdf

Distribution of vanadium species between soil and plants in the vicinity of vanadium mine Original.pdf

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Distribution of vanadium species between soil and plants in the vicinity of vanadium mine Original

Aa l c v T a ? K 1 w o i s t A l l p e t t w [ v 0 dJournal of Hazardous Materials A137 (2006) 649–653 Distribution of vanadium(V) species between soil and plants in the vicinity of vanadium mine N. Panichev ?, K. Mandiwana, D. Moema, R. Molatlhegi, P. Ngobeni Department of Chemistry, Tshwane University of Technology, Private Bag X31, Rosslyn 0200, South Africa Received 31 October 2005; received in revised form 3 March 2006; accepted 3 March 2006 Available online 18 April 2006 bstract The distribution of vanadium(V) species between soil and plants around the vanadium mine have been studied. The mine dam spilled water round this area after collapsing some time ago. V(V) species were determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) after eaching of vanadium(V) compounds with 0.1 M of Na2CO3, with a limit of detection 0.2 g g?1. The validity of V(V) determination had been onfirmed by the spike recovery and of the total amount of vanadium by the analysis of CRM’s with good correspondence of found to certified alues. The concentration of V(V) species were found to be in the range of 620–1680 g g?1 in soil and 4–6 g g?1 in grass samples, respectively. he total amount of vanadium in soil varied from 1570 to 3600 g g?1 and from 8 to 13 g g?1 in grass. The results indicate that considerable mount of vanadium (about 50%) in soils and plants is present as V(V) species. 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ; Elec e d c t o d t i r C A i p Ceywords: Vanadium(V) speciation; Soil; Plants; Leaching; Sodium carbonate . Introduction The average concentration of vanadium in soils around the orld ranges from trace amounts to 400 g g?1, with an average f 150 g g?1 [1]. One of the main sources of vanadium in soil s the parent rock from which it is formed [2]. In spite of the fact that V(V) is the most toxic vanadium pecies [3], little attention has been paid to the determina- ion of V(V) species in soil and plants. The United States of merica’s Environmental


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