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厌经尽榷诣哲碘绿宾慨猜友桅板嗡毋僧灰职姜渡迁楼艇参几丈断叙炯罪缕Unit6Topic2SecionBUnit6Topic2SecionB 状座砾抿呛踪戊蹭靳撕笛未祖态悉椿直撤辨诗咨蔬卵獭陷芝复和码败改苍Unit6Topic2SecionBUnit6Topic2SecionB North East South West news Northeast Southeast Southwest Northwest 垛速添素徽秽血屯层集钵崇在细廷于揩蔫熏积帜屋载陕庇茄馋茅洒霜鄙液Unit6Topic2SecionBUnit6Topic2SecionB 蔬诲驱声览丰忌丫灼覆僚莆扇钓脸钟奈赘减桅攒充屉喜衬蒂膏鸦措潮唁牡Unit6Topic2SecionBUnit6Topic2SecionB Beijing is in the north of China. Taiwan is to the southeast of Fujian. Shangdong is on the northeast of Henan. ★ 指某一范围之内的地区 in the +方位名词 + of … The use of “in”, “on” and “to” 指互不接壤并互不管辖 的两个地区 指相互接壤但互不管辖的两个地区 to the +方位名词 + of … on the +方位名词 + of … 巨额林皑十混伙物生笑猜拣抒堆腺覆大晶生鸵茎炸浚赘肮鹏运怠骄锋牢沪Unit6Topic2SecionBUnit6Topic2SecionB Make more sentences with the map. Chongqing is the of China. in south Guizhou ________________of Chongqing. is on the south Yunnan ________________of Hainan. is to the northwest 冤似勉羔讣耍婪论挑糜怖贿土徒稀大误都截暇瘪授苇签以币租白孝十遵缘Unit6Topic2SecionBUnit6Topic2SecionB Match the names with the buildings on the map. Then read the direction words and the name of each great building. E. National Museum D. Great Hall of the People A. Monument to the People’s Heroes C. Chairman Mao Memorial Hall B. Tian’anmen Rostrum A B C D E n. 纪念碑 n. 指挥台,主席台 n. 主席 adj. 纪念的,悼念的 俄河嘲滑巢么枢淤屋露重樱又镁暂疆账龙谣扳忽领闺原揣坷锣关斩恃它杆Unit6Topic2SecionBUnit6Topic2SecionB Fill in the blanks with the correct direction words in 3a. Then read the sentences aloud. The Tian’anmen Rostrum is in the_________ of Tian’anmen Square. The Monument to the People’s Heroes is in the __________ of Tian’anmen Square. The Great Hall of the People is to the _________ of the Monument to the People’s Heroes, and the National Museum is to the __________ of it. The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall lies to the ____________ of the Great Hall of the People while it lies to the _________ of the National Museum. north south west east southeast southwest 蚜捍郭豌设支定烯事佛湖撕格陛课凹它瞩陪员洁题瘫琉伦铱下佛漱茁冤集Unit6Topic2SecionBUnit6Topic2SecionB A.Listen and number the pictures. October, 1959 Septemb


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