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初中英语读写一体化教学探讨 溧阳市周城中学 刘云 “写”是一种运用书面表达思想、输出思想的能力 ; “写”是综合性较强的思维活动,具有发展学生思维能力和表达能力的独特作用,同时也是衡量教学效果的标准之一。 写 Reading是学生平时在学习过程中积累写作素材的一个重要阵地。 每一篇Reading的教学,就是写作前的一次有效语言输入,处理好阅读材料,组织学生在课堂上进行有效阅读,确保帮助学生能进行有效的语言输出。 读 一、诵读经典句型,强化理解运用 诵读是一种学习语言的基本方式,通过学习者的反复诵读,可以对文字材料进行直接记忆;通过灵活运用这些经典句型,可以让学习者加深对这些语言知识的记忆。 1. 直接提问法 提问法:指教师与学生以问答的形式进行的教学方法。教师根据教学内容设置问题,以便学生能通过浏览文章直接得出答案。 What is Audrey Hepburn? She is not only a dancer, but also a model; She is not only a talented actress, but also a great humanitarian; Audrey Hepburn is well known not only in America, but also in other parts of the world. Not only the students but also their parents like Audrey Hepburn a dancer、 a model 、 an actress、 a humanitarian 2.对比呈现法 对比呈现法:将几组句子直接呈现,让学生在对句子的反复比较中观察重点短语、句型的用法。 如:put one’s effort into devote sth. to She put most of her time into acting. She devoted most of her time to acting. Kitty put all of her time into working closely with the charity. Kitty devoted all of her time to working closely with the charity. The famous actor devoted much of his time to the film industry. The famous actor put much of his time into the film industry. 3、情景创设法 情景创设法: 是教师根据教学需要,创设出形象鲜明的情景,辅之生动的语言,使学生如闻其声,如见其人,仿佛置身其间,如临其境;师生就在此情此景之中进行着的一种情景交融的教学活动。 。 Jimmy takes part in the programme. Kimi takes part in the programme. Not only Jimmy but also Kimi takes part in the programme. Ms Bai likes the programme. Her parents like the programme. Not only Ms Bai but also her parents like the programme. Not only her parents but also Ms Bai likes the programme. The children cried beyond (超出)fathers’ control. Fathers had to put their effort into making their children stop crying. 父亲们不得不把他们的精力放在让孩子们不哭(这件事)上。 Miss Luo can make not only hair clips, but also sushi. 安德鲁的客厅不仅有蓝色的墙还有蓝色天花板和地板。 The living room has not only blue walls, but also a blue ceiling and floor. hair clip sushi (寿司) Tomatoes are not only a kind of fruit, but also a kind of vegetable. She not only sings well, but also dances beauti


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