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PAGE I  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 分类号 密级 公开 UDC 编号 硕士研究生学位论文 题目 利率市场化进程中我国商业银行 贷款定价策略分析——以H银行为例 利率市场化进程中我国商业银行贷款定价策略分析 ——以H银行为例 摘 要 目前,我国金融行业所面临的宏微观环境发生了巨大的变化,商业银行所面临的市场竞争环境更加动荡和激烈。在利率市场化大环境的影响下,我国商业银行的运营管理面临着越来越多的挑战与冲击,利率市场化会对银行的经营和管理产生重大影响。随着利率市场化的进一步深入,利率的频繁波动将对商业银行的收益造成一定程度的影响。因此,在利率市场化的形势下,中国商业银行需要加强利率定价应对策略,从而达到有效规避利率风险与抓住市场机遇的目的,提高商业银行的市场竞争力和风险应对能力。 本文以H银行昆明分行为研究对象,通过我国利率市场化对商业银行贷款定价的影响分析以及H银行内外部环境的综合分析,发现H银行在利率市场化大环境下的潜在机会与风险并界定银行自身的优势与不足。本文通过对银行固定存贷收益、浮动利率收益和理财产品收益进行比较分析,证明贷款业务浮动利率带来的收益占银行收入主要部分,利率市场化不完全是威胁而是机遇。在H银行内外环境分析的基础上,借鉴国内外银行成功运营的案例,选定H银行贷款利率定价模式和策略,并对各种策略进行详细分析,提出定价策略实施的具体措施。 关键词:利率市场化;利率定价;应对策略;贷款定价 ANALYSIS OF CHINA MERCHANTS BANK’S LOAN PRICING STRATEGY UNDER THE BACKGROUND OF INTEREST RATE MARKETIZATION ABSTRACT Nowadays, banks are facing more volatile and competitive environment, since great changes have taken place in the macro and micro environment of financial industry. In this environment, operation and management of the financial industry is facing more and more challenges, the mercerization of interest rate will have a significant impact on the operation and management of the banks. With the mercerization of interest rate gradually thorough, frequent fluctuations in interest rates will cause a certain degree of influence on commercial banks income. Therefore, in the interest rate market situation, commercial banks need to strengthen the strategy of pricing interest rate response, so as to effectively avoid risks and seize the market opportunities, improve the market competitiveness of commercial banks and risk response ability. According to H Bank Kunming branch of the research object, through a comprehensive analysis of its inner and outer environment, found that the risk of potential opportunities or existence and define the advantages and disadvantages of the banks own. The bank fixed deposit income, floating rate income and financial


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