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同位语从句 Grammar 名词性从句 noun clause 主语从句 subject clause 宾语从句 object clause 表语从句 predicative clause 同位语从句 appositive clause 1. Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us. 2. Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brother’s. 3.I have no idea when he will come back home. What does the underlined part serve as in each sentence? 同位语 同位语从句 1. 概念: 在复合句中作名词的同位语的名词性从句。 2. 功能: 同位语从句对名词进一步解释,是名词的具体内容。 3.引导词: 常用 that 引导或用连接副词when / where /why / how / whether 简单句句子结构 主语+系动词+表语 主语+谓语+宾语 主语+谓语(vi) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 There be 句型 主语+被动结构 ① 如果同位语从句意义完整, 则用that引导。 that不充当任何成分, 只起连接作用。如: The general gave the order that the soldiers should cross the river at once. 将军下达了战士们立即过河的命令。 (the soldiers should cross the river at once是 the order的全部内容, 且意义完整,因此应 用that引导同位语从句) ② 如果同位语从句意思不完整,需增加 “是否”的含义, 则应该用whether引导。如: We’ll discuss the problem whether the sports meeting will be held on time. 我们将讨论运动会是否会如期举行的问题。 注意: if不能引导同位语从句。 ③ 如果同位语从句意义不完整, 需增加“什么 时候”、“什么地点”、“什么方式”等含义, 应该用when, where, how等词引导。如: I have no idea when Chaplin’s film will be on. 我不知道卓别林的电影什么时候放映。 I have no impression how he went home, perhaps by bike. 我记不清他是怎样回家的, 或许是骑自行车 回去的。 ④ 当主句的谓语较短, 而同位语从句较长时, 同位语从句常后置。如: The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city. 他突然想到敌人可能已经逃出城了。 Word came that he had left his wife. 他离开妻子的消息传来。 4.其后常用同位语从句的名词 可以跟同位语从句的名词主要是抽象名词,通常有news,idea,fact,promise,question,doubt,thought,hope,message,suggestion,word(消息), possibility等。如: 1) I’ve come from Mr. Wang with a message that he won’t be able to see you this afternoon. 我从王先生那里来,他让我告诉你他今天下午不能来看你了。 注: 1. 同位语从句多用that 引导; 2. 在 have no idea 之后常用wh-引导同位语从句。 I have no idea where he has gone. I have no idea when he did it. I have no idea what he did. 2) The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. 3) The problem whether we should continue to do the experiment has been solved. demand ,suggestion, proposal等同位语从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即: (


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