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减量规划视角下衰落型村庄发展策略   摘 要:在当前城乡架构中城市依然占据主导地位的格局下,不少村庄由于内在机制等诸多因素呈现出衰落的表征。增长主义逻辑体系下的村庄增量规划建设,并不适用于衰落型村庄。通过查阅文献、结合实际规划工程经验研究认为:(1)村民、政府部门、规划编制单位放大了衰落型村庄的增量发展;(2)减量规划是近几年来针对国内城市快速外延扩张用地导致无地可用而提出的一种土地增长模式,其实质是针对城市蔓延问题的一种发展策略,这种策略为针对衰落型村庄提出减量规划提供理论与实践准备;(3)针对城乡发展不均衡现状亟需解决、增长主义逻辑体系下的空间资源的“掠夺”、村庄外在规划与自身发展的冲突而提出的村庄减量规划,其策略为资源配置由博弈到协同、规划理念由应对到主导、发展时序由刚性约束到渐进调整。尝试构建的衰落型村庄发展策略框架,可为衰落型村庄提供发展新思路。   关键词:减量规划;衰落型村庄;村庄规划;发展策略   Abstract:Many in the meantime, while cities still dominate the urban-rural structure, some villages present signs of decline, which is caused by many reasons, such as inner mechanism. The planning of the increment development of villages under the growth logic system, does not apply to fading villages. This article represents three views based on literature review and practical planning construction experience as below. (1) Villagers, government departments and planning study institutes have amplified the increment development of fading villages. (2) Decrement planning is a land growth model targeting the situation that lacking of land caused by rapid urban sprawl. It is also a developing strategy with regard to urban sprawl problems. In addition, this strategy provides theoretic and practical preparation for decrement planning aiming at fading villages. (3) The village decrement planning aims at solving problems of the unbalance of urban-rural planning, the “robbery” of space resources under growth logic system and the conflict of the outside planning and self-development of villages. Its strategy emerges from conflict to collaboration as to resource allocation, reply to leading as to planning theory and hard rules to soft constraints as to development stages. The attempts to construction of village development strategy framework of fading villages can provide new ideas to fading village development.   Key words:decrement planning ; fading villages ; village planning ; development strategy   中图分类号:TU98 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-4144(2016)-12-20(5)   1 引言


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