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任务型语言教学的特点,方法和案例;基本概念;;案例 1 Advance with English M7-U1;1. Listen to the uncle’s requirements. 2. Read two advertisements. 3. Speak to the Customer Department. 4. Write an email to your uncle.;主要特点;;;;;;案例 2 Advance with English M2-U1;;* Are you interested in a mystery book club? Yes□ No□ * How much would you spend on mystery books each month? A. less than ¥10 B. ¥ 10-19 C. ¥ 20-29 D. No less than ¥ 30 ;;;Write about possibility of starting a Mystery Book Club. As the statistics show, about 39% of the members are interested in mysteries. About 81% are in favor of the idea of setting up a mystery book club. And 77% would like to spend … So I think we can start a mystery book club and many people will join it. ;新课标倡导任务型语言教学;…… 在教学活动中应增加开放性的任务型活动和探究性学习内容, 使学生有机会表达自己的看法和观点。…… ……教师在设计任务时, 可以根据不同学生的情况设计不同的任务, 使所有学生都能进步。 ;;优点;;;任务的定义;案例 3 判断 ---- 任务?/ 语言学习活动?;任务与练习的区别;;案例 4;2. Study the example and then combine the sentences in the similar way. Example: I bought a book yesterday. It cost me 20 yuan. I bought a book yesterday, which cost me 20 yuan. 1. Jim is my best friend. He’s always ready to help me. 2. I wanted to borrow a book from a library. It was written by Henry Smith. 3. I lost my new watch. I bought it just last month. ;设计任务时应考虑的因素;;1 通过电话留言的能力 识别并记录关键信息的能力 2 通过问卷, 访谈等方式获取信息的能力 处理信息, 报告结果的能力 3 分析问题和解决问题的能力(为什么需要帮助? 如何提供帮助?) 合作与沟通能力(小组讨论) 书面表达能力 关心他人, 助人为乐的情感态度 ;;书信 明信片 电视节目指南 报刊文章或摘要 城市地图 便条 配图故事 菜单 日记 采访录音 菜谱 读书笔记或摘要 寻人(物)启示 天气预报 法规条例 通知或告示 求职简历 照片和图画 产品说明书 电话留言 旅游指南 研究报告 ;;案例 5 Advance with English M7-U1;1. Listen to the uncle’s requirements. 2. Read two advertisements. 3. Speak to the Customer Department. 4. Write an email to your uncle.;任务型语言教学的操作过程;;;;案例 6;;;;;案例 7 Advance with English M1-U1;案例 8 Advance with English M7-U1;案例 9;;案例 10;;案例 11;International Student Card Surname ________________ Given name _________________ Sex Male Female Age ______ Marital status __________ Nationality __________ Lan



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