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Unit 2 Healthy eating;Using Language come and eat here;;;;1.Listen to the tape and then fill in the charts.;Scurvy ;3. Listen to the whole dialogue between Wang Peng and an expert. Write down the main idea of the dialogue.;Owner of restaurant;HOW AN UNBALANCED DIET CAN AFFECT YOUR HEALTH Wang Peng went to the library ,where he happened to meet an expert on diets . He asked him for help. WP=Wang peng E=Expert ;WP: Hello. Can you help me ,please? I want to find out more about balanced diets. E: Of course . A balanced diet needs energy food like rice and noodles, body-building food like fish and meat for protein and fat ,and protective food like fruit and vegetables for fibre and vitamins.;WP: Yes. but does it matter how much rice, noodles and sugar l eat? E: Yes. If you eat too much , you may become obese. This means you are too fat and it may lead to other illnesses . However, if you don’t eat enough rice, noodles or sugar ,you’ll get tired easily.;WP: l see. Ill be careful about that .Does it matter how much fish , meat or cheese I eat? E: Too much can also make you fat, but if you don’t eat enough ,your bones won’t grow strong . A long time ago, children who didn’t eat enough vitamin D and body-building food ; didn’t grow straight legs. They got an illness called rickets. WP: Oh dear! Do people still have the problem? E: Sometimes. WP: Then what about fruit and vegetables? How much should I eat?;E: You ought to eat about five big spoonfuls of different fruit and vegetables every day. WP: Really? I didn’t know that . E: Yes. In the 18th century sailors at sea used to find that their teeth fell out and they had bad spots on their skin. ; They got it because they didn’t eat enough fruit and vegetables. The illness is called scurvy. WP: Goodness! What about now ? E: It’s very rare now. People eat more fruit and vegetables. You need protective food like that for clear skin and bright eyes.;WP: Thank you very much. You have gi



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