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山东科技大学泰山科技学院 毕业设计(论文) 设计题目:基于MATLAB语言在李家村煤矿-270水平联络巷贯通测量中的应用 院(系): 资源与土木工程系 专业班级: 测绘工程 设计人: 王学 学号: 1041020127 2014年 6月 9 日 山东科技大学泰山科技学院学生毕业设计(论文) PAGE   PAGE IV 摘要 为解决李家村煤矿矿井通风困难和提升、运输环节多的状况,结合影响矿井开拓的其它因素,特别是考虑到有利于井田深部的开拓开采,在充分利用矿井现有生产系统的前提下,提出在井田-270m水平与新建立井进行水平联络巷的巷道贯通的方案。巷道贯通后,开拓方式由原来的斜井开拓改为综合开拓方式,矿井生产能力得到提高,服务年限得到延长。 当面对复杂的矿井贯通工作时,由于传??的手工预计方法工作量大、容易出错、精度低,且不易掌握,误差预计往往无法进行。在很多技术环节上,一般的矿山测量人员也难以把握,多凭经验与感觉去完成。这就造成了有些贯通能够满足要求,但也有些出现较大偏差,甚至发生工程事故。 通过使用MATLAB语言开发误差预计功能,能够方便、快速、准确的获得误差预计的结果,从而得到贯通相遇点K在贯通重要方向上的预计误差。最大限度地提高矿井贯通测量精度,具有现实意义。 关键词:贯通测量 一井定向 误差预计 MATLAB语言 Abstract To solve Li jiacun coal mine ventilation difficulties and improve the status of the transportation more, combined with other factors affecting mine development ,especially considering the beneficial to mine deep mining, the mine development way transformation,put forward in the field -270 horizontal connection for roadway expedite.after the new mine,pioneering way from the original inclined to develop comprehensive development way,the mine production capacity was improved,get extended length of service. When facing the complicated mine through work, due to the traditional manual method is expected orkload is big,easy to get wrong, low accuracy,not easy to master,error is often unableto,in many technical process,deneralmmine surveying personal also difficult to grasp,more on experience and feeling to complete,this creates some breakthrough can meet the requirrments ,but also a big deviation,even engineering accidents. By using the MATLAB language is to develop error function, to convenient、quick,accurate get error of predicted results ,design breakthrough point K is obtained on the important direction of error estimates, the maximum improve mine through measuring precision,has a realistic significance. Key words: roadway expedite , one directional well ,error estimate, M



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