Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last year01.ppt

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Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last year01

一月一月January, January, January 二月二月February,February,February 三月三月March,March,March 四月四月April, April, April 五月五月May, May, May 六月六月June, June, June 七月七月July,July,July 八月八月August, August, August 九月九月September, September, September 十月十月October, October, October 十一月十一月November,November,November 十二月十二月December,December,December;Children’s Day (儿童节);Our motherland (祖国) is big and beautiful. Let’s travel.;;;桂林;;;黄山;;;;Where did you go? What did you see? Who did you meet in London? Where did you go? What did you see? What did you buy in Longdon? I went to the park. I saw lots of places. I didn’t buy anything at all. But I had a lovely time! ;Thay are photos of china.;I went to Hainan.;This is Xinjiang.;;1.where did you go ? ;north; North , north , north , points up . South , south , south , points down . East , east , east , points right . West , west , west , points left . ;12;Xinjiang ;1.Where is Beijing ?;5.Where is Shanghai ?;This is Xinjiang. It’s in the west of China.;This is Hainan. It’s in the south of China.;I visited Sanya last year. ;Li people(黎族), an ethnic minority(少数民族), most of them live in Hainan.;黎族是中国岭南民族之一。在衣饰方面,妇女束髻于脑后,押以骨簪,披绣花头巾,衣无扣,对胸开襟,有的地方穿“贯首式”上衣,下身穿裙。妇女大都喜爱戴耳环、项圈、手镯、有的一直保持纹面和文身的习惯。男子结鬃,有的结于额前,有的结于脑后,缠头,上衣无领对胸开襟。 ;Amy : Mum , look ! Lingling has got some photos. Ms Smart : Can I see them,Lingling? Lingling : Of course.;Lingling : They are photos of China.This is Xinjiang . It’s in the west of China. I went there last year. Amy : Did you go with your mother and father? Lingling : Yes, I did . We stayed with my grandmother for a week in July. Ms Smart : The mountains are really beautiful.;Lingling : This is Hainan.It’s in the south of China. ;Answer my question.; Lingling’s Travel;分享我们的成果吧! 一、词形转换: ;二、重点短语!;Homework;Thank you!


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