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长 句 练 习 翻译技巧: 增、减、换、调、分、合 破句重组;1.The machine would have to be able to move about in a house designed for human beings and would therefore have to go through a normal door, open such a door and close it, and walk up and down stairs over irregularities on the floor. 这种机器(人)应当能够在供人居住的房子里四处走动,因此,它或许就得通过普通的门,会开门关门,会上楼下楼,甚至还得跨过地板上的杂物。(词义慎选);2.In the western preoccupation with the self, one finds often a sense of encapsulation and isolation, not only in the form of an estrangement from God or from a system of stable values, but also from other persons. 在西方对于自我的先入之见中,往往可以发现困顿感和疏离感,不仅表现为同上帝或某种稳定价值系统的疏远,而且还表现为同他人的疏远。(词义的引申);3.The professor, annoyed at the interruption of his flow of eloquence, held up his hand:“Wait, just one minute, gentlemen. I have a few more pearls to cast.” 那位教授口若悬河讲得正起劲,突然受到学生的干扰,满怀不悦,于是举起手来说道:“稍等一下,诸位,我还有几粒珍珠要投掷呢!”(成语典故);文化意象 cultural image 文化意象,可以是植物,如汉语里的松、梅、竹、菊、兰,西方语言中的玫瑰、郁金香等 可以是飞禽或走兽,如汉语中的龙、凤、喜鹊,西方语言中的狮、熊、猫头鹰等 可以是成语、谚语、典故或形象,如汉语中的画蛇添足,三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮,都有固定的涵义。 甚至可以是某个数字,汉语中的3,表示众多的意思,俄语中的7表示众多的意思。 ;不同的民族,由于各自不同的生活环境、文化传统,往往会形成自己的不同的、独特的文化意象。即便看到同样的现象,不同的民族语言会给他染上不同的颜色,添加上不同的意义。 在碰到这些“文化意象”的翻译时,请小心翻译。 ;狗与dog;龙与 dragon 西风与 west wind 猫头鹰与 owl 水仙花与 daffodil 入乡随俗与 When in Rome, do as Romans do. 说曹操,曹操到与 Talk of devils. ;如何翻译文化意象?;The professor, annoyed at the interruption of his flow of eloquence, held up his hand:“Wait, just one minute, gentlemen. I have a few more pearls to cast.?? 那位教授口若悬河讲得正起劲,突然受到学生的干扰,满怀不悦,于是举起手来说道:“稍等一下,诸位,我还有几粒珍珠要投掷呢(琴曲要弹奏)!”;陶渊明《责子》;子曰:吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。 The Master said, “At fifteen I set my heart on learning; at thirty I took my stand; at forty I came to be free from doubts; at fifty I understood the Decree of Heaven; at sixty my ear was atuned; at seventy I followed my heart’s desire without overstepping the line.” --- translated by Arthur Waley ;Arthur Waley (1899 -1966);The whole sky spangled gay twinkling stars, and the Milky Way is as distinct as though it had been washed and rubbed with


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