
英语冷知识 说不出来的身体部位.doc

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英语冷知识 说不出来的身体部位

英语冷知识? 说不出来的身体部位 hallux 大脚趾 It stems from Latin and began to be commonly used in the mid-19th century. On the opposite side (of the foot), the little toe is called the minimus. 起源于拉丁语,19世纪中叶开始普遍运用。与之相对应的是,小趾头被称为minimus。 purlicue “虎口”距(食指与拇指间的空隙) Although a rare word, purlicue is a term for the space between the forefinger and thumb, originally used in the North of England. It’s thought to derive from the Scots term pirlie, meaning ‘curly’ or ‘twisted’, and is also used as a synonym for curlicue: a term in calligraphy to describe curls in a person’s writing. 尽管是个冷僻词,purlicue这一术语用来表示食指与拇指间的空间,起源于英格兰北部,来源于苏格兰术语pirlie,意为卷曲的或弯曲的;现在用作花体的近义词,书法术语,用以形容书写中笔迹的卷曲。 fraenum 系带 A fraenum is a small ligament that restricts movement between body parts. The most obvious example is the fraenum which attaches the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, or the lip to the gum. It comes from the Latin fraenum which meant ‘bridle’ – that same idea of restrained movement. . It is also spelled frenum, and the more common term is frenulum. 系带是一小小的韧带,限制身体部位的运动。最为显著的例子即连接舌头和口底、唇和牙龈的舌系带。系带一词来源于拉丁语fraenum,意为缰绳,和限制行动同义,亦拼作frenum,更为常用的术语是frenulum。 uvula 小舌 The uvula is the fleshy extension that hangs at the back of the mouth above the opening of the throat. This is a body part that we share with some other primates; for instance, baboons have small, underdeveloped uvulae. The uvula helps to close the nasopharynx during swallowing, so that no food can enter the nasal passage. It also causes the initiation of the gag reflex if stimulated, and is also used to articulate a range of sounds in speech, such as the guttural R used in French. 小舌是嘴巴后部、紧贴喉咙口上方悬垂的部分。这一身体部位其他灵长目动物也有,比如狒狒有小型但发育并不完全的小舌。小舌有助吞咽时闭合鼻咽,避免食物进入鼻道。若受到刺激,小舌会引发咽反射;小舌还能用以清晰地发出一系列音,如法语里喉音r。 philtrum 人中 This term refers to the vertical groove between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip. Interestingly, it comes from the Latin word philtrum which initially meant ‘love-potion’ or ‘love-charm’ and only st


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