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Background Information;Before Reading_1.1;Before Reading_1.2;Before Reading_2_1.1;Before Reading_2_1.2;Before Reading_2_1.2;Before Reading_3_1;Before Reading_3_2;Before Reading_3_2;Before Reading_3_2;Before Reading_4_1;Globe Reading_main;Globe Reading_1_1;Globe Reading_1_2;It was lucky that the eating process took only a few minutes, otherwise the buck would feel much more pain.;Global Reading_2_2;Globe Reading_3_1;Globe Reading_3_2;Globe Reading_3_3;Globe Reading_3_4;Globe Reading_3_5;He ran closer, and again stood still, stopped by a new fear. Around him the grass was whispering and alive. He looked wildly about, then down. The ground was black with ants, great energetic ants that took no notice of him, but hurried and scurried towards the fighting shape, like glistening black water flowing through the grass. And, as he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him, the beast fell and the screaming stopped. Now he could hear nothing but one bird singing, and the sound of the rustling whispering ants. He peered over at the writhing blackness that jerked convulsively with the jerking nerves. It grew quieter. There were small twitches from the mass that still looked vaguely like the shape of a small animal.;It came into his mind that he could shoot it and end its pain; and he raised the gun. Then he lowered it again. The buck could no longer feel; its fighting was a mechanical protest of the nerves. But it was not that which made him put down the gun. It was a swelling feeling of rage and misery and protest that expressed itself in the thought: if I had not come it would have died like this, so why should I interfere? All over the bush things like this happen; they happen all the time; this is how life goes on, by living things dying in anguish. I can’t stop it. I can’t stop it. There is nothing I can do. He was glad that the buck was unconscious and had gone past suffering so that he did not have to make a decision to kill it. At his feet, now, were ants trickli


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