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Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞;一、课文大意;无错号之虞;Main idea of the passage:;二、词汇精讲;1. garage ;2. mile ;3. telephone = call;4. another, the other, other, others;5. carry-carries-carried-carried;6. message ;7. cover the distance ;8. minute ;8. minute ;半点以内: 9:10 nine ten 或 ten (minutes) past nine 11:25 eleven twenty-five 或 twenty-five (minutes) past eleven ; 半点以后: 1:57 three (minutes)to two(差两分到两点)或 one fifty-seven ;数字+hour/minute 复数的话+s 3小时 3 hours 半小时 half an hour 1个半小时 one and half hours 1分钟 one minute 2分钟 2 minutes 推荐 韩国 4 minute ;9. serve ;10. request for sth ;10. require 与 request;10. require 与 request;11. spare;12. urgent ;13. in … way;14. begin = start ;14. begin = start ;to begin with vs. begin with sth We?can’t?go.?To?begin?with,?it’s?too?cold.?Besides,?we’ve?no?money. ?我们不去了,首先是太冷了,?另外我们又没有钱。?;to begin with vs. begin with sth begin with sth?[by doing?sth] 以做某事开始 如: Knowledge begins?with practice. 知识始于实践。;15. up to now ;16. a good many ;? 三、本课语法要点:;动词过去式的构成:;动词过去式的构成:;(2)不规则动词的过去式;(2)不规则动词的过去式;5. A---B---C型(现在式、过去式和过去分词都不相同) eat ate eaten 吃 6. 其他不规则动词的变化。 be(am, is) was been 是 be(are) were been 是;四、汉译英练习(词汇+语法操练)【通读全句-安排句式-翻译-校对】 ;;2、你给那个邮箱地址(email address)发去帮助请求,他们会帮你解决问题(solve the problem)。 You can send requests for help to that email address and they will help you solve the problem. ;3、红军(The Red Army)长征(the Long March)中走过了25000里。 The Red Army covered 25,000 li during the Long March.;4、过硬的质量(quality)和优质的服务是企业(enterprise)的生命。 Good quality and good service are the life of an enterprise. ;5、空余时间多读点书,不要老玩手机,对你的眼睛不好。 You can read more books in your spare time. Don’t spend too much time on your cell phone. It does harm to your eyes. ;五、本文推荐背诵的经典句子(见课文划线句子???;1. He has just bought another garage. 他刚买了另一个汽修厂。 2. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. 这只鸟只用3分钟就飞完全程。 3. Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts. 到目前为止,斯科特先生已经发送了许多求购备件的信函。 ;


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