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PAGE  PAGE 3 模块3 unit. 3 Period three 教案 Task Teaching Objectives:  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1 to teach and instruct students some specific procedures when trying to achieve a goal 2 to make students be aware of the appropriate ways of performing each individual procedure and master the skills 3 to make sure students have opportunities to combine the skills they have learned with reality 4 to aid students to choose and organize the information they have got and help them complete their products 5 to enhance students’ overall abilities and improve their integrated skills Important and difficult points: Make students learn how to write an outline of a speech and how to host a talk about a historical event. Teaching procedures: Step  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1 Revision Revise the grammar items in this unit (object complements, either…or…and neither…nor??, and subject-verb agreement). Step 2 Lead-in Get the students to know something about how to give a talk about a historical event. Step 3 Skills building  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1 Make students know how to listen to get the gist, and do the listening on P52. In step HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1, students use the skill to listen to a conversation and find the useful expressions. Step 4 Skills building 2 Make the students how to describe an illustration and try to write a description of a historical place. In step2, write a description about the Attack on Pearl Harbor according to the information found on a website. Step 5 Skills building 3 Make students know what a simple outline of a speech often includes and organize some notes into an outline for a speech. In step3, plan an outline to introduce your illustration and give your talk. Project Creating an illustrated time chart Ancient China and Rome Step  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1 Reading Read the article and try to get the main idea of each paragraph : Paragraph  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1 Main events in Rome and China between


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