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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福素材积累之聚焦奥运-智课教育旗下智课教育 奥运会有着悠久的历史,正式那些精彩的历史瞬间才构成了辉煌的 奥运历史。我们不妨一起来聚焦奥运,看一下历年奥运的精彩镜头。 2012年托福伦敦奥运会成为人们的关注焦点,而正是那些精彩的镜 头才组成了今天奥运会在全球人民心中的崇高地位,下面我们不放一下 来看一下。 Paris, 1900: First female athletes 1900年巴黎奥运会:首次允许女运动员参赛 Women were never allowed to compete in the Olympics until the Paris Games in 1900, when their participation in lawn tennis and golf events secured a position for female athletes in future Games. 奥运会一直以来都不允许女性参加比赛,直到1900年的巴黎奥运会 ,女运动员在草地网球运动和高尔夫球运动上的参与,奠定了女运动员 在未来奥运会上的地位。 The London 2012 Olympics signifies a new gender milestone with the debut of Women’s Boxing, and it will also be the first Games in Olympic history with female athletes from every competing country. 2012年伦敦奥运会首次设置女子拳击项目,预示在性别问题上将出 现新的里程碑。这届奥运会也将成为奥运历史上第一届所有参赛国家都 派出女运动员的奥运会。 Berlin, 1936: Owens breaks records 1936年柏林奥运会:欧文斯打破世界纪录 African-American athlete Jesse Owens broke records and won several gold medals, shattering Hitler’s aim to use the 1936 Games as an example of the “new Aryan man.” Owens later befriended his German competitor in the long jump, Luz Long, and the pair’s lap of honor became a symbol of the triumph of sportsmanship over Nazi ideology. 非裔美国运动员杰西-欧文斯在这届奥运会上打破世界纪录并取得 多项金牌,粉碎了希特勒借助1936年奥运会证明雅利安人种优越的目的 。欧文斯在随后的跳远比赛中对待他的德国对手卢茨-朗如同朋友一般 ,两人的光荣一跃成为了体育精神战胜纳粹思想的象征。 London, 1948: Wheelchair athletes compete 1948年伦敦奥运会:轮椅运动员参加 English doctor Ludwig Guttmann founded the International Wheelchair Games to help rehabilitate wounded veterans of World War II. Using sports therapy, he invited wheelchair athletes to compete, and the event eventually became the modern Paralympic Games. 英国医生路德维格-古特曼建立国际残疾人运动会,以帮助二战中 受伤的老兵康复。运用运动疗法,他邀请坐轮椅的运动员参加比赛,这 一赛事最后成为了现代残疾人奥林匹克运动会。 Rome, 1960: Television, and scandals 1960年罗马奥运会:电视转播和丑闻事件 As the first Olympics ever to be televised and include a brand endorsement by an athlete, the Rome Games ushered in a new era of commercialism and changed the way the world vi



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