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BioDrugs (2015) 29:75–89 DOI 10.1007/s40259-015-0122-9 LEADING ARTICLE Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Engineered T Cells for the Treatment of Metastatic Prostate Cancer 1 1 Victoria Hillerdal ? Magnus Essand Published online: 10 April 2015 ó The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at S Abstract Cancer immunotherapy was selected as the inhibitors that can reduce tumor immunosuppression may Breakthrough of the Year 2013 by the editors of Science,in help improve ef?cacy. Other elegant approaches such as part because of the successful treatment of refractory he- induced expression of immune stimulatory cytokines upon matological malignancies with adoptive transfer of chi- target recognition may also help to recruit other effector meric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered T cells. Effective immune cells to metastatic sites. Although toxicities are treatment of B cell leukemia may pave the road to future dif?cult to predict in prostate cancer, severe on-target/off- treatment of solid tumors, using similar approaches. The tumor toxicities have been observed in clinical trials with prostate expresses many unique proteins and, since the use of CAR T cells against hematological malignancies; prostate gland is a dispensable organ, CAR T cells can therefore, the choice of the target antigen is going to be potentially be used to target these tissue-speci?c antigens. crucial. This review focuses on different means of ac- However, the location and composition of prostate cancer complishing maximal effectiveness of CAR T cell therapy metastases complicate the task of treating these tumors. It for prostate cancer bone metastases while minimizing side is therefore likely that more sophisticated CAR T cell ap- effects and CAR T cell-associated toxicities. CAR T cell- proaches are going to be required for prostate metastasis based therapies for prostate cancer have the potential to be than for B cell malignancies. Two main c


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