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重庆市野生维管植物区系调查研究 邓新贤 白志川* (西南大学 园艺园林学院,重庆 北碚 400700) 摘要:在野外调查以及《重庆维管植物检索表》与《重庆缙云山植物志》的记载 的基础上,对重庆市野生维管植物科和属的区系特征进行了分析研究。结果表明: 重庆市野生维管植物共有220科1212属5284种(包含变种与变型);科的分布区类 型分属13个类型14个变型,属的分布区类型分属于14个类型33个变型,科的分布 区类型以泛热带(Pantropic)分布为主,北温带(N.Temp.)分布占有一定的比例, 属的分布区类型以北温带分布和泛热带分布为主,热带亚洲(Trop.Asia)分布占 有较大比例,体现了重庆市野生维管植物区系与泛热带和北温带有一定的亲缘关 系;世界广布(Cosmopolitan)的科占有较大的比例,这些科构成了重庆市野生 维管植物的主体。 关键词:重庆市;维管植物;分布区类型;区系 The Investigation into the Wild Vascular Plants Floras in Chongqing DENG Xin-xian BAI Zhi-chuna (College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Southwest University,Beibei 400700,Chongqing) Abstract: Based on the field investigations and the records in KEY OF VASCULAR PLANTS IN CHONGQING and FLORAS OF MOUNT JINYUN IN CHONGQING, this paper aims at an analytical study of the flora characteristics of the vascular plants’ family and genera in Chongqing. What the results indicate are as follows. In total, there are wild vascular plants in Chongqing 220 families, 1212 genera and 5284 species (including varieties and forms).The family distributions can be classified into 13 types and 14 variants, and the genera distributions can be classified into 14 types and 33variants. The family distributions are primarily in the Pan-tropic areas and occupy a certain proportion of the North Temperate Zone. The genera distributions mainly occupy the North Temperate Zone and the Pan-tropic areas and have a large proportion in the Tropic-Asia. So the characteristic of distribution shows that there is certain relationship between the wild vascular plants in Chongqing and the Pan-tropic areas and the North Temperate Zone. The families that are cosmopolitan account for a large pr


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