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PERSPECTIVE dutch doctors and their patients — effects of health care reform in the netherlands ed in relation to another major In the Netherlands, patients 1. Starfield B. Is primary care essential? Lan- cet 1994;344:1129-33. national concern: the life expec- and doctors generally seem will- 2. Te Brake H, Verheij R, Abrahamse H, de tancy of the Dutch population is ing to accept the regulated market Bakker D. Bekostiging van de huisartsenzo- increasing more slowly than the orientation, provided that compe- rg: vóór en na de stelselwijziging, monitor 2006. Utrecht, the Netherlands: NIVEL, European average. Although this tition leads to better health care 2007. trend is not fully understood, for all. It is also increasingly rec- 3. Contours of the basic healthcare benefit health-related behavior seems to ognized that optimal care and package. The Hague, the Netherlands: Health Council of the Netherlands, 2003. play a role. Accordingly, Dutch prevention, apart from improving (Publication no. 2003/02E.) Health Minister Ab Klink has health, are important for the mar- 4. Rechtvaardige en duurzame zorg. The prioritized health promotion and ket itself, since they stimulate em- Hague, the Netherlands: Raad voor de Volks- gezondheid Zorg (RVZ), 2007. (Publica- the integration of preventive care ployment, societal participation, tion no. 07/04.) 5 into the health insurance pack- and economic development. 5. Niet van later zorg. The Hague, the Neth- age. Much is


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