西工大fundementals meterials and engineers 复习题.doc

西工大fundementals meterials and engineers 复习题.doc

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西工大fundementals meterials and engineers 复习题

复习题 1、On the basis of crystal structure, using the following equation and values of parameters, compute the theoretical density for sodium chloride (NaCl). How does this compare with its measured density? Measured density of NaCl is 2.16 g/cm3. Theoretical density formula: Solution: According to the structure of NaCl, each unit cell consist of 4 NaCl formula units. Therefore, n’=4. Furthermore, since the unit cell of NaCl is cubic, therefore, VC=a3, a being the edge length of the unit cell. Again with referred to the structure of NaCl, a=2rNa++2rCl- Thus, VC=(2rNa++2rCl-)3 Using the theoretical density formula, This value agrees fairly well with the experimental value. 2、Calculate the number of vacancies per cubic meter in gold at 900°C. The energy for vacancy formation is 1.602x10-19 J/atom. Furthermore, the density and atomic weight for Au are 18.63 g/cm3 (at 900°C) and 196.9 g/mol, respectively. Nv: number of equilibrium vacancies N: total number of atomic sites Qv: formation energy of a vacancy k: Boltzmann constant (1.38×10-23J/K) T: temperature in Kelvin Solution: In order to calculate the number of vacancies per cubic meter in gold at 900°C, it has to be known the total number of atomic sites per cubmic meter in gold first. N can be computed as, N=(18.63×106g/m3/196.9 g/mol)×6.02×1023=5.7×1028 Substituting the calculated N and other parameters into the equation, we have Nv=5.7×1028exp-1.602×10-19 1.38×10-23×900+273=2.87×1024 3、Explain the relative orientation between Burgers vector and dislocation line for edge dislocation, screw dislocation, and mixed dislocation. Solution: For edge dislocation, Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line. For screw dislocation, Burgers vector is parallel to the dislocation line. For mixed dislocation, the angle between Burgers vector and dislocation is higher than 0° but lower than 90°. 4、For both FCC and BCC crystal structures, there are two different types of interstitial sites. In each case, one site i


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