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Nelson Sass Does sodium nitroprusside kill Caroline Harumi Itamoto Marina Pereira Silva babies? A systematic review Maria Regina Torloni Obstetrics Department of the Universidade Federal de S?o Paulo álvaro Nagib Atallah – Escola Paulista de Medicina (Unifesp-EPM), S?o Paulo, Brazil SYSTEMATIC REVIEW SYSTEMATIC ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION be a general impression that SNP is lethal to the Hypertensive disorders are a leading fetus, although there may be some doubt about OBJECTIVE: To determine whether sodium ni- cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity this. On the other hand, there is uncertainty troprusside causes fetal death in pregnancies complicated with hypertension. and mortality worldwide. A large popula- regarding the strength of the evidence for ban- 1 ning its use in clinical practice. The aim of the DATA SOURCES: Medical Literature Analysis tion-based study quantified the risk of and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE; 1996 fetal growth restriction and stillbirths in present study was to review the available clini- to 2003), Excerpta Medica (EMBASE; 1970 pregnancies with hypertensive disorders. cal data relating to the use of SNP in pregnant to 2003), Web of Science/Institute for Scien- After controlling for potential confoun- women with hypertensive crises. ti? c Information (ISI; 1945 to 2003), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências ding factors, the risk of fetal death was 1.4 da Saúde (LILACS; 1982 to 2003) and the times greater (95% confidence interval, METHODS Cochrane Library. CI: 1.1-1.8;p = 0.02) in women with any


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