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第一届区域性英语教师专业发展研讨会 2009年 12月4日; 提 纲;Changing Teachers, Changing Times!;一、华南地区中小学英语教师群体特征 ;归纳:女性化、年轻化、学科性 ;二、本地区英语教师专业发展基本现状 ;三、当前国际上教师专业发展趋势; 教师培训?教师教育?教师发展?;教师专业发展的标志之一 (Tsui,2003);国外 50 年四个阶段发展概况; ;技能,信念,知识,思考,态度,探索,指导行为 …basic teaching skills, …to look beyond these dimensions of teaching to the beliefs, knowledge, and thinking that underlie their successful use. …teacher education needs to engage teachers not merely in the mastery of rules of practice but in an exploration of the knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and thinking that inform such practice. (Richards, Beyond training, p.XIV);外语教师教育若干变化特点; 教师专业发展= 个人、集体的专业学习 It refers to “teachers’ self-initiated, self-monitored and self-directed individual and collaborative professional learning” (Richards,1990). ;Kolb (1984) 四阶段体验式学习模式; ;教师在教学反思中体现观念变化 …I think a successful lesson is the one in which students have learnt considerably. They are able to understand and produce what they have been taught … In the past, I only cared about finishing my teaching task, for example, how to carry out a lesson… (Bi 7) I feel that my methods in Junior Grade Two and Three are quite different. In Grade Two, I cared about passing on to students what I had prepared. I valued my self-perception...When I was teaching Grade Three, … I tried my best to establish a supportive learning context for them. (Ji 6); ; 在教材处理上如何体现? 单元基本课型: 阅读/听说课 归纳课 拓展课 学习过程 input + intake + output 学习目标 experience awareness practice 教/学策略: subskills, knowledge, context ;中学英语新课标理念,在教法如何体现? 转变PPP单一模式(偏重单项技能,句子层面) 1)目标:语言微技能 sub-skills 2)材料:篇章为本 discourse-based 3)课堂:语境为导向 context-centred 4)教材:选择与补充 tailoring-oriented 5)练习:综合技能/真实运用 integrated-skills, real use 6)方法:指导学习策略/跨文化意识(learning strategies and cross-cultural awareness) ;课程与课程目标


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