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浅谈幼儿舞蹈教学中基本功的训练方法 摘要 在物质生活日渐充裕的今天,人们开始追求美+自然之美。生活之美。艺术之美!舞蹈是艺术的一种,以经过提炼。组织和艺术加工的人体动作作为表现手段,表达思想感情,反映社会生活!其基本要素是动作姿态。节奏和表情,如何使肢体在表现美感方面进一步的的提升,需要从舞蹈教育这一源头做起。完善与创新舞蹈教学,提高学生的舞蹈能力,能有效地引导舞蹈这一艺术形式的发展与进步,进而满足现代人的精神品位与追求。舞蹈教学在实践活动中,普遍注重舞蹈基本功的训练,这是舞蹈教学的主要内容。舞蹈基本功的训练,主要包括形体训练、技术技巧、素质能力等肢体训练的内容,始终贯穿于初级到高级的舞蹈教学中,依循从简到繁、从易到难、循序渐进的原则进行。在重视基本功训练的同时,将意识培养落实到教学内容与教学方式的具体细节中,正确处理好意识培养与基本功训练在舞蹈教学中的关系,才能全面夯实舞蹈教学的基础,形成教学核心,提高舞蹈教学水平。 关键词:幼儿;舞蹈;训练 Abstract In the material life is rich today, people began the pursuit of beauty and natural beauty. The beauty of life. The beauty of art! Dance is an art, with refined. Organization and artistic movements of the body as a means of expression, to express thoughts and feelings, reflected the social life of the basic elements of gesture. Rhythm and expressions, and how to make the body in the aesthetic aspects of further ascension, need to start from the source of the dance education. The improvement and innovation of dance teaching, improve students capacity to dance, to effectively guide the development and progress of this art form of dance, and to satisfy the spiritual quality and the pursuit of modern people. Dance teaching in practice, generally focus on basic dance training, this is the main content of dance teaching. Basic dance training, including limb training physical training, technical skills, ability and other content, dance teaching has always run through the beginner to advanced, follow from simple to complex, from easy to difficult, the principle of gradual and orderly progress. To pay attention to basic training at the same time, the awareness to the implementation of specific details of teaching content and teaching method, correctly handle the relationship between awareness training in dance teaching and training in basic skills, basic to tamp the dance teaching, teaching the core, improve the level of dance teaching. Keywords: children dance; training 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc383871763 摘要  PAGEREF _T


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