2005年5月翻译三级笔译(综合能力)全真试卷 答案.pdf

2005年5月翻译三级笔译(综合能力)全真试卷 答案.pdf

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2005年5月翻译三级笔译(综合能力)全真试卷 答案

考试结果--维普考试资源系统 Page 1 of 30 2005年5月翻译三级笔译(深色:已答题综合能力 浅色:未答题)全真试卷 (总分56, 考试时间120分钟) PART 1 Vocabulary and Grammar (25 points) This part consists of three sections. Read the directions for each section before answering the questions. The time for this part is 25 minutes. SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incom 1. English language publications in China are growing in volume and________. A circulation B rotation C circumstance D appreciation 该题您未回答:х 该问题分值: 1 答案:A 词义辨析。A.circulation流通,传播;B.rotation旋转;C.circumstance条 件,细节; D.appreciation欣赏,正确评价,增值;此句意为:在中国,英语出版物 在产量与销量(发行量/传递/流通)上日益增加。因此应选A。 2. Most comets have two kinds of tails, one made up of dust, ________made up of electrically charged particles called plasma. A one another B the other C other ones D each other 该题您未回答:х 该问题分值: 1 答案:B 形近识别。one another互相(原则上,两个人/两个时用each other,三个人/三个 以上则用one another);如:They looked at one another.他们彼此看着对方; each other相互;如:They respect each other.他们互相尊重;the other。 (在两个之中的)另一方(表示两者之中剩下的那一个);因此应填B。 3. Good pencil erasers are soft enough not ________paper but hard enough so that they crumble gradually when used. A by damaging B so that they damage C to damage D damaging 该题您未回答:х 该问题分值: 1 答案:C 语法应用。“enough+不定式”(足够……能)结构常置于形容词后作状语,表示结果;本 句是这一结构的否定式;所以C是答案。 4. Both longitude and latitude ________in degrees, minutes and seconds. A measuring B measured C are measured D being measured 该题您未回答:х 该问题分值: 1 答案:C 语法应用。所填之处前面是主语,后面是状语,此处应是谓语;根据句意,此处又应用


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