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学兔兔 掌木交;i;i 理论,研发,i殳计,翩遣 精密滚珠丝杠热处理应力的分析与研究 樊伟 , 王科社 ,, 查初亮2 1.北京信息科技大学机电工程学院,北京 100192;2.北京机床研究所,北京100102) Study on the Heat Treatment Stress of the Precision Ball Screw FAN Wei , WANG Keshe , ZHA Chuliang。 (1.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Beijing University of Information Science and Technology Beijing 100l92,China;2.Beijing Machine Research Institute.Beijing 10l500 China) Abstract:In the process ot。heat treatment.heat treatment stress iS produced by the internal defect of raw materia1.1he (1if rence in temperature between the surface and center 0f workpiece.change in volume of the tissue an(1 other reasons.Heat treatment stress is generally divided into three types,namely the structure stress,thermal stress and appearanee transformation stress.The appearance transformation stress is one of the biggest harmful roll fI(1r the ball screw.Heat treatment stress of the workpiece basically doesn t exist alone.heat treatment stress oftell tends Io a combination of several types.The effeets of excessive heal stress on the ball screw size stability and preeisioll arc analyzed to avoid the quenching crack,the workpieee deformation and fatigue failure.The effective SOlulion is Dl,esented to prevent and eliminate heat stress of ball screw. Key words:heat treatment stress;ball screw;stress 0 引 言 被广泛应用于数控机床、精密机械传动装置等相关高精密 滚珠丝杠副是由丝杠、螺母组件和滚珠链组成的螺旋 领域。其尺寸稳定性和精度直接影响数控机床的定位精度 传动装置。它既可以将旋转运动转化为直线运动,也可以 和重复定位精度,进而影响数控机床的加:T 精度。 将直线运动转化为旋转运动,传动具有可逆性。滚珠丝杠


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