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Directview recognise automatically the patient (if it already exists of course) when you read the SD card Now, physicians can more efficiently manage ventilation therapy with unprecedented access to information. DirectView? streamlines reporting to help clinicians identify adjustments necessary to maintain effective treatment and improve patient care. DirectView? enhances your clinical evaluation with quick access to full patient therapy information including waveforms, trends, usage patterns and summary statistics for broader views of patient therapy. This unique software also allows prescription management through the use of an SD memory card. In addition, DirectView? Ventilation Management Software is highly customizable. Clinicians can select the parameters and the order in which they appear, and DirectView? will generate the reports as seen on the screen. Plus, the data can be exported into most statistical applications in an open format for clinicians to share for further analysis. DirectView? exports the data in the open format of “CSV” (Comma Separated Value) so you can easily consult and share information with other professionals, enhancing collaboration between specialists for optimal patient care. DirectView software provides you with 1 year data on patient ventilation and 72hrs on the wave forms Sample time: Wave forms: 100ms Averages for the Daily Detail are averaged over 30 seconds.? 可用于生命支持的呼吸机指可24小时开机使用。 * * VCV (Volume Control Ventilation) AC (Assist Control) SIMV (Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation) CV (Control Ventilation) PCV (Pressure Control Ventilation) CPAP S (Spontaneous) S/T (Spontaneous/Timed) T (Timed) PC (Pressure Control) PC-SIMV 通气类型——有创/无创 True Respironics BiPAP Modes + AVAPS * AVAPS AVAPS 自动估算保证病人目标潮气量所需的压力 * 管道类型 * * Active w/ PAP Circuit 带有主动呼气阀 呼气时膜打开 吸气时膜关闭 需要在开机前选择确认 * 用户界面 * DirectViewTM 软件 * DirectViewTM 软件 DirectView? 提供了完整的关于呼吸治疗所需的界面 临床评估 使通气治疗更有效管理 必要时确认参数更改是否有效,是否需要维持原治疗方案 病人得到更多关怀 DirectView?


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