听雨轩 英文翻译.ppt

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听雨轩 英文翻译

* * * 1. 艾梅、黄楠希、蒋梦婉、刘书萱独自翻译完成译稿→QQ讨论→面对面讨论→定稿。 2. 艾梅汇总、制作PPT. (拙政园) 始建于明正德初年(16世纪初),距今已有500多年历史,是江南古典园林的代表作品。与北京颐和园、承德避暑山庄、苏州留园一起被誉为中国四大名园。 拙政园位于古城苏州东北隅(东北街178号),是苏州现存最大的古典园林,占地78亩(约合5.2公顷)。花园分为东、中、西三部分,园南还建有苏州园林博物馆,是国内唯一的园林专题博物馆。 听雨轩 景点名称: 听雨轩 所在位置: 中花园 建筑类别: 轩 在嘉实亭之东,与周围建筑用曲廊相接。轩前一泓清水,植有荷花;池边有芭蕉、翠竹,轩后也种植一丛芭蕉,前后相映。这里芭蕉、翠竹、荷叶都有,无论春夏秋冬,雨点落在不同的植物上,加上听雨人的心态各异,就能听到各具情趣的雨声,境界绝妙,别有韵味。 听雨轩,顾名思义:聆听雨声之处。 1. The TingYu pavilion, just as its name implies, is a place to listen to the rain. 2. Just as the name implies, the listen-to the-Rain Pavilion is where you can listen to the rain. 3. Ting Yu in Chinese means listening to the sound of rain. So Ting Yu pavilion namely means a listen-to-the-rain pavilion. 4. The Listen-to-the-Rain Pavilion, as its name implies,is a place to listen to the rain. Ting Yu pavilion in Chinese means a place to listen to the rain,so it is also named The Listen-to-the-Rain Pavilion. 首先用拼音TingYu表达了听雨的概念,然后用英文解释了听雨的意思。最后点明了官方表达The Listen-to-the-Rain Pavilion。 轩前一泓清水,植有荷花;池边有芭蕉、翠竹,轩后也种植一丛芭蕉,前后相映。 1. In the front of pavilion, there is a pool where planted lots of lotus. 2. In front of the pavilion is a pool where lotus were planted. On the side of the pool is bamboo and plantain which contrasts with the plantain at the back of pavilion perfectly. 3. In front of the pavilion, there is a pool full of clear water and lotus. Plantain trees and green bamboos stand near the pool. In the back of the pavilion, there are also plantain trees. 4.In the front of the pavilion is a pool where lotus are planted. At the edge of the pool are bamboo and plantain which is in the contrast with other plantain behind pavilion. In front of the pavilion is a pool where lotus were planted.On the side of the pool are bamboo and plantain which sets off the plantain behind the pavilion. 句1:没有指出两处芭蕉的位置。 句2和句4都用了contrast来表示前后相映的概念,但该词主要表示“对比差异”,强调的是difference,与原文表达有出入。所以最后用了set off 句3:直译一泓清水为a pool full of clear water ,这里其实就指池塘,所以直接翻译为pool就行了。分句过多。 原文由多个短句组成,译文对其进行了整合。


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