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Translation exercises:((汉语无主句的翻译) 教材及参考书目: 陈宏薇《英汉翻译基础》 上海外语教育出版社 范勇《新汉英翻译教程南京大学出版社上海外语教育出版社北京大学出版社出版社《中国翻译》杂志 China daily Translation (useful to check out some popular Chinese words) 请参看:赵东辉辨析汉语非主谓句与英语祈使句  ’s educational task. 2.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s den? 3.前头坐着一位老人。 Ahead sat an old man. 4.没有矛盾,就没有世界。 Without contradiction nothing would exist. 5.以下是代表的名单。 The following is a list of the delegates. 6.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 As long as the green mountains are there, one need not worry about firewood. While there is life, there is hope. 7.在合同中,详细地规定了双方必须履行的各种条件。 In the contract, all kinds of conditions which both sides should follow were laid down in detail. 8.为什么总把这些麻烦事推给我呢? Why should all the unpleasant jobs be pushed on to me? 9.必须采取各种措施,改善人们的工作条件,提高人们的生活水平。 Different kinds of measures must be adopted in order to improve people’s working conditions and to raise their living standards. 10.本剧场内禁止吸烟。 Smoking is not allowed in this theatre. Three thieves were caught on the bus. 12.上海采取了一系列的优惠政策来吸引外资。 A series of preferential policies have been adopted in Shanghai to attract foreign capital. 13.桌子上放着一本最近一期的《中国翻译》。 On the table lay a latest Chinese Translators Journal. 14.山里住着个虔诚的老和尚。 In the mountain lived an old devout monk. 15.要成功,就要付出劳动。 It will cost you much labor to succeed in anything. 16.从这里到颐和园有五英里。 It is five miles from here to the Summer Palace. 量体裁衣,看菜吃饭。 Fit the dress to the figure and fit the appetite to the dishes. The sun is rising. The sun appears 19.知彼知己,百战不殆。 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. 20.必须勤学苦练,才能掌握一种外国语。 One must have studied hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language. 21.有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行。 If you are in the right, you can travel anywhere in the world; if you are in the wrong, you can’t take a step. 22. 关于这个问题说得够多的了。 Enough has been said on this subject. 23.全面发展同其他发达国家的友好合作与交流。 We will develop our friendly cooperation and prom


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