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Why I Love Python ?2001 www.BruceE Design Patterns with Java ? 1999 www.BruceE The language you speak affects what you can think Python is what I use the most to solve my own problems (I think better) Including CGI/e-commerce with MySQL 5-10 times productivity (really!) I’ve been trying to figure out how to explain “why” to people Top 10 reasons I’ve come up with And a few other interesting topics What I love most: Python is about ME As if Guido said: “Bruce, what can we do to make your programming experience as easy as possible?” No compromises: it’s all about making me more productive My Language History Age 13: BASIC on HP1000 (HOSRAC.BAS is invented) Age 19: APL for physics. The concept of a terse language. Basic again, survey courses, Pascal et al. Age 21: Computer engineering, Chips + assembly language Age 22: I begin to understand the value of high-level languages Age 24: Database programming AppleII Basic Age 25: Graduate (finally) with MS, discover C, work in embedded programming (in assembly). I am my own C compiler Age 26: Basic (again) for data analysis and control of wind-tunnel experiments Age 27: Embedded C development. Program 4-bit Harvard architecture machine in assembly. Wrote Assembler in GNU-Lisp. Created (?) primitive C++ mode for Gnu-emacs Start writing for Micro Cornucopia Age 29: University of Washington School of Oceanography with Tom Keffer. Chose C++ over Objective-C for openness. Published “Computer Interfacing with Pascal C” Age 32: Publish “Using C++” Join ANSI C++ Committee Later: “C++ Inside Out”, “Black-Belt C++” (edited), “Thinking in C++” Java: “easy translation from C++” Actually took two years Thinking in Python Research mode now, web page with notes at www.BruceE The other books and languages wrapped around me like Jacob Marley’s chains… A ‘Bout’ of Perl After C++ and Java, seemed amazing Python is executable pseudocode. Perl is executable line noise. Perl is like vice grips. You can do anything w


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