牛津译林版高中英语选修6Unit 2“What is happiness to you”(Project)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修6Unit 2“What is happiness to you”(Project)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修6Unit 2“What is happiness to you”(Project)课件

What is a handbook? Discuss in groups: What makes a good handbook? Nice articles Beautiful pictures Clean handwriting Decent design … Homework Finish your happiness handbook and be ready for presentation of it tomorrow. Finish Exercise B1 and B2 on Page 101 in your workbook. 3. Preview the important language points in the two essays. * Book 10_课件_U1_Reading2-8 * Book 10_课件_U1_Reading2-8 * * 牛津高中英语 (模块六 ·高二上学期) Project Unit 2 Unit 2 Descriptions Get a clear understanding of handbook. Read two passages on happiness. Share opinions on happiness. Work in groups to make a happiness handbook. Golden days My future happiness For the first essay: 1. Is the writer an old man? How do you know that? 2. Why does the writer think those days were happy? Scanning For the second essay: Is the writer a teenager or an adult ? How do you know that? 2. Why does the writer think that his or her happiest days will be in the future? 3. What does the writer think an adult can do while a teenager can’t ? Scanning match the following words with their meanings innocent income accomplishment communicate guarantee assist company mature something successfully finished or gained b. to help or support c. the presence of another person d. to share or exchange opinions feelings, information, etc. e. to promise that something will certainly be so f. fully grown and developed g. money that one receives regularly, usu. as payment or for one’s work h. having little experience of the world and not be able to recognize evil h g a d e b c f How to stay happy? Set goals smile more learn to share ready to help others have a young heart harmony with all kinds have a good sense of humor willing to forgive enjoy the family get online during free time have some true friends have wisdom and courage maintain high confidence respect the weaker finally, money is not everything Project (group work) Planning All class divided into ten groups,



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