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鸟嘌呤盐酸盐的检验方法 MOA of Guanine HCL 1、 外观appearance 目视检查。Visual testing 2、 溶液颜色(《中国药典》附录 IX A) solution color(Chinese pharmacopoeia, appendix IX A) 称取2.0g样品置于50mL比色管中,加入2mol/L的氢氧化钠溶液溶解至刻度,再与等厚度的Y5对照液进行目视比色,色泽不得比对照液深。 Weigh 2.0g sample into 50ml comparison tubes, add 2mol/L NaOH solution, compared to Y5 contrast solution, the color should not be darker than contrast solution. 3、 氮含量测定(《中国药典》二部 附录Ⅻ D) nitrogen testing(Chinese pharmacopoeia, appendix Ⅻ D) 准确称量0.10g(±0.0001g)试样,按《中国药典》二部 附录Ⅻ D中的第一法进行测定并计算出氮的量N(mg),并按下式计算出试样中氮的百分含量: Weigh 0.10g(±0.0001g)sample, use the first method in Chinese pharmacopoeia, appendix Ⅻ D to calculate nitrogen volume(mg), and get percentage content of nitrogen in the sample according to below method 试样的氮含量nitrogen content in the sample(%) 式中:N——试样中测量出来的氮的量,mg;quantity of nitrogen in the sample    m——试样的质量,g。weight of the sample 4、 干燥失重:《中国药典》二部附录VIII L losing on drying: Chinese pharmacopoeia, appendix VIII L 取1.0~2.0g供试品,置于已恒重的扁平称量瓶(带盖)中,精密称定,在105℃下烘3小时。 Weigh 1.0~2.0g sample, into flat weighing bottle, weigh it, then heat under 105℃ for 3 hours. 以质量百分数表示的干燥失重 (X)按下式计算 Calculate losing on drying according to below method, 式中:W0——恒重的空瓶的质量,g;empty bottle weight W1——(空瓶+供试品)的重量,g;empty bottle + sample weight W2——(空瓶+供试品)炽灼后的重量,g。empty bottle + sample after being heated. 5、 硫酸盐灰分:《中国药典》二部附录VIII N sulfate ash (Chinese pharmacopoeia, appendix VIII N) 取1.0~2.0g供试品,置于已恒重的坩埚(带盖)中,精密称定,在电炉上缓缓炽灼炭化,放冷至室温,加0.5mL硫酸使湿润,在电炉上加热至硫酸蒸气除尽后,在700~800℃炽灼1小时,,移干燥器中,冷却至室温,精密称定。 Weigh 1.0~2.0g sample, put into constant weight crucible, weigh it. ignition in electric stove till full carbonization, then cool to air temperature, add 0.5ml vitriol to wet the residue, then continue ignition in electric stove till no sulfate smoke, then put into 700-800℃ ignition till constant weight, cool down and weigh. 以质量百分数表示的灰分(X)按下式计算: Ash content(X) by weight calculated by below method: 式中:W0——恒重的空坩埚的质量,g;weight of constant weight crucible W1——(空坩埚+供试品)的质量,g;weight of constant


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