
论海明威主要作品中的死亡主题On Death Theme in Hemingway’s Major Works.doc

论海明威主要作品中的死亡主题On Death Theme in Hemingway’s Major Works.doc

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论海明威主要作品中的死亡主题On Death Theme in Hemingway’s Major Works

论海明威主要作品中的死亡主题 On Death Theme in Hemingway’s Major Works 内 容 摘 要 关于死亡的研究由来已久,对于生与死的困扰也自然成为人类最初探索的主题。而作为最受欢迎的美国作家之一的海明威,也通过其作品表现了对死亡的独特看法。他的死亡主题也有着两点独特之处。那就是,对主动与抗争的赞扬和对消极被动的鄙视。 通过他的小说读者会发现海明威对死亡的态度也是历经改变在不断发展的。最开始,小说主人公对死亡有着强烈的恐惧感,他们在死亡面前是无能为力的。而渐渐地,在他的后来的作品中主人公虽然对死亡仍有些许畏惧,但自身已能克服那种强烈的恐惧感,而冷静地面对死亡了。最终,他们通过他们积极的态度和打不垮的精神超越了死亡。 海明威死亡观的最终形成历经很长一段时间,因为他敏感的意识和他的个人经历,尤其是一战的经历。同过他的小说,海明威阐述了他对死亡的独特理解。即死亡不是生命的终结,而是从反面来肯定生命。海明威也极力倡导人们应该勇敢的面对死亡,用准则英雄的精神来对抗死亡。无疑,这都给予了在残酷战争中幸存下来的人相当积极的影响。 关键字:海明威;死亡主题;准则英雄 Abstract The study of death is of long standing and well established. Questions of life and death that puzzle mankind itself become the theme that people probe into naturally at the beginning. As one of the most popular American writer, Hemingway, demonstrates his special view on death through his works. His death theme has its own characteristics. One is a praise of initiative and struggle, another is a distain of passiveness. Hemingway’s attitude towards death has undergone changes, which can be detected from his works. At the very beginning, the leading characters have a strong frightened consciousness of death. They are helpless before death. Gradually, in his later works, though the heroes remain fear, they can overcome the fright and calmly face death. At last, they transcend death with their positive attitude and the “undefeated spirit”. The formation of his view of death has gone through a long time, and is constantly changed because of the writers sensitive consciousness as well as his own experience, especially the influence of World WarⅠ Through his novals, Hemingway illustrates his unique understanding of death, that is, death is not the end of life, but is a reverse confirmation of life. Hemingway advocates that people should face up to death, and fight against death with the spirit of a Code Hero.All these undoubtly have a positive influence on the people who survived the cruel war. Key words: Hemingway, death theme, code hero Contents Introduction 1 1.


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