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爱迪生给我们的启示 6 Amazing Success Lessons from Thomas Edison Perspiration 汗水 “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” “天才就是百分之一的灵感加上百分之一的汗水。” Thomas Edison said, “The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it goes around wearing overalls and it looks like hard work.” There is no success without hard work; success is something that is only earned after much labor. Success can only come to those who labor for it, it is through labor that you become a valuable person, and your value attracts success. 汤马斯说道,“人们没有识别出机遇的原因就是因为它有厚厚的外衣包裹,看起来不是件易事。”没有取得成功也是因为没有付出努力。成功就是那种需要付出汗水才能得到的东西。成功只属于那些愿意为之流汗的人,通过付出劳动你会成为一个有价值的人,你的价值才能吸引成功。 Capability 能力 “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” “如果我们做了所有我们能做的事情,那我们自己也会被吓到。” Most people are living considerably beneath their capabilities. They’ve never focused all of their efforts on a singular task, so they are completely unaware of the power they possess. Everyone is good at something, and if singular focus is given to that talent over the course of years, amazing things will be done. You are capable of astonishing yourself! 许多人做事都没有发挥到自己的全部能力,他们从来没有将自己的全部精力只用在一件事情上,所以他们完全不知道自己拥有的能力。每个人都有自己擅长的方面。如果将个人的精力只用在自己擅长的那一方面,多年之后肯定会有惊人的事情出现。你会为你自己的能力感到惊讶。 Solitude 独处 “The best thinking has been done in solitude.” “最好的想法就是一个人的时候产生的” I have had my best thoughts locked away in a quiet room. Take time everyday to escape to a quiet room, if only for five minutes, to have your best thoughts. It’s hard to think about achieving the impossible, when you’re surrounded with people wanting to discuss only the possible. 当我自己把自己锁在一个安静的房间里的时候产生了自己最棒的想法。每天花点时间待在一个安静的房间里,为了获得最棒的点子只有五分钟也好。想要做到不可能的事情很难,有可能性的时候才需要别人和你一起讨论。 Restlessness 不满足 “Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress.” “不知满足是进步的第一要义” As long as you’re perfectly content you can’t make progress. Nothing happens until you become discontented. if you’re content with that idea


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