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五年级同步英语 badminton Unit 1 My Day 年级 姓名 电话 项目 课时 一 x年级 xxx xxxxxxx 是否迟到 1 课堂纪律 0 课堂积分 2.4 作业完成情况 0 考试分数   play sports do morning exercises swim dance basketball ping-pong football eat breakfast eat lunch eat supper have breakfast have lunch have supper/dinner a.m. p.m. before after 时间点 early late when 超人一号 名字: When 技能:用于询问时间,表示”什么时候”。 借助武器:do/does 招数:When + do/does+动词短语 来两招: 你早上何时上完课? When do you finish class in the morning? 你几点起床? When do you get up? do, breakfast, when, do, exercises, morning, you, after ? get, when, up, you, do ? go, bed, when, to, you, do? go, school, after, when, do, lunch, to, you, back ? 超人表演 When do you do morning exercises after breakfast? When do you get up? When do you go to bed? When do you go back to school after lunch? 你什么时候睡觉? When do you go to bed? 他什么时候去学校? When does he go to school? 她什么时候去逛街? When does she go shopping? 你什么时候上数学课? When do you have maths class? 他们什么时候去书店? When do they go to the bookstore? 超人再表演 颠倒问答 老师将把所有学生的名字写在纸条上,学生随机抽一张卡片,卡片上对应的名字是自己游戏中暂时的名字,确定好角色后,老师将再发一张卡片,上面有对应的人和问题,学生按照顺序提问。对应角色的人需要相应回答问题,若没有回答,扣一分,若本人不小心回答了,扣一分。 游戏 song Cry on my shoulder If the hero never 1_______ to you If you need someone youre feeling 2_______ If youre away from love and youre alone If you call your 3_______ and nobodys home You can 4_______ away but you cant hide Through a storm and through a lonely 5_______ Then I show you theres a destiny The best things in life Theyre free But if you wanna 6_______ Cry on 7_______shoulder comes blue friends run night cry my If you need someone who cares for you If youre feeling 8_______ your heart gets colder Yes I show you what real love 9_______do If your sky is grey oh let me know Theres a place in heaven 10_______ well go If heaven is a million years away Oh just call me and I make your day Cry on my shoulder sad can where Tom?gets?up?at 6:30 every day?.?Then?he?has??? breakfast? at 7:00.?? He goes to? school? at?? 7:30.?? He?usually? has?? four? classes? in? the? mo


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