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4 3 V ol. 4 No . 3 2 0 0 6 9 Journal of W ater Resources and Architectural Engineer ing Sept . 2 00 6 1 2 3 4 张 鹏 李耀军 王常松 姜守芳 ( 1. 7 10064; 2. 710016; 3. 3004 56 ; 4 . 712100) : : ; ; : U 44 8. 215 : B : 167 2) 1144( 200 6) 03 ) 0070 ) 04 Design and Construction of Assembly Conti nuous Beam Bridge 1 2 3 4 ZHA N G Peng L I Y ao-jun WA N G Ch ang- song J IA N G Shou-f ang ( 1. X ihan Exp ress H ig hw ay Co. L td. X i. an, Shaanx i 710064, Ch ina; 2. B eiqin B ranch Co mp any , Shaanx i Group Comp any o Exp r ess H ig hw ay Cons tr uction , X i. an , Shannx i 7 10016, Ch ina; 3. T ianj in E ng ineering Dep ar tment o N o . 1 H ig hw ay E ng ineer ing Bur eau o H ig hw ay and B r idge Group Comp any , T ianj in 30045 1, Ch ina; 4. College o Water R esources and A rchitectural E ngineer ing , N or thw est Sci- Tech Univ ersity o A g riculture and For estry , Yangling , Shaanx i 7 12 100, China) Abstract: At present t he step of simply support ed beam at f irst and t he cont inuous box beam and support cast- in- place cont inuous beam af ter it is u sed in t he design and const ru ct ion of bridge w ith t he small and medium sp an but all t hese tw o forms h ave t he cert ain in suff iciency . T he assembly cont inuous beam bridge is a new f orm of st ruct ure combining t he precast beam w ith the cast- in- place beam which synt hesizes t he merits of t he ot her tw o f orms and makes up their insuf ficiency . So it is a new idea and method in t


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