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由废弃工厂改造而成的城市花园 由废弃工厂改造而成的城市花园 关键词:专筑网,专筑设计、专筑视界、专筑讲坛、专筑视频、专筑资料 Conversion of old factory De Porre to city park, Ghent 由专筑网(iarch.cn)Ann,刘庆新编译 工厂在第二次世界大战期间遭到严重轰炸,后来进行了重建,1980 年工厂破产倒闭。在沉寂多 年后,工厂的大部分工厂已变得破旧不堪,难以经营。这里变成了一个不安全的、被遗弃的地方,破 坏猖獗,空置的工厂很快受到了当地居民的嫌弃。本次项目旨在将旧纺织工厂改造为城市公园,这是 由 SoGent 根特城市发展公司委托的都市重建多元化发展规划项目的一部分。 In World War II the factory was heavily bombed and rebuilt afterwards. Bankruptcy forced the factory to close its doors in 1980. After years of vacancy, large parts of the factory had become dilapidated and run down. An unsafe, abandoned place, with vandalism running rampant, the vacant factory soon deteriorated into a source of nuisance to the local residents. The project aims to reconvert the old textile factory into a city park. This reconversion is part of a mixed-use development urban renewal project commissioned by Sogent, the urban development company of Ghent. 根据基地现状,周围遍布着各种功能区和使用者,公园改造项目面临着很大的外界压力。项目试 图打造一个能够化解这些压力的多用途公园,激活周边社区活力。在设计中,创造活动场所、促进居 民流动性的同时,保留了原有的墙体和一些建筑物,把它们变成合乎逻辑、可供使用的功能空间。把 旧纺织厂相互垂直的基本布局作为公园的模板,植入新建的有机绿色空间和路网,与工厂旧址形成对 照,相得益彰。 Surrounded, as it is, by a variety of functions and users, the park is under a lot of outside pressure. The aim was to create a diversified park which could cope with this pressure and stimulate a renewed community life for the neighbourhood.The design brief proved a simultaneous exercise in creating a site with plenty of flow, while preserving walls and constructions and maintaining a logical, workable zoning of the park’s functions. The orthogonal plan of the old textile factory is used as a basic template for a zoning of the park. New, organic green spaces and a paths network contrast with what remains of this underlying structure.


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