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专家和你想的不一样 吃什么最“健康”?专家和你想的不一样 We surveyed Americans and a panel of nutrition experts about which foods they thought were good or bad for you. 我们针对美国人和一组营养专家进行问卷调查,询问他们觉得哪些食物对身体好,哪些不好。 Is popcorn good for you? What about pizza, orange juice or sushi? Or frozen yogurt, pork chops or quinoa? 爆米花对身体好吗?披萨、橙汁或者寿司呢?冷冻酸奶、连骨猪排或藜麦怎么样? Which foods are healthy? In principle, it’s a simple enough question, and a person who wishes to eat more healthily should reasonably expect to know which foods to choose at the supermarket and which to avoid. 哪些食物是健康的?原则上讲,这是个很简单的问题,希望吃得更健康的人应该会知道该在超市选什么食物,避开什么。 Unfortunately, the answer is anything but simple. 可惜答案绝没那么简单。 The Food and Drug Administration recently agreed to review its standards for what foods can be called “healthy,” a move that highlights how much of our nutritional knowledge has changed in recent years – and how much remains unknown. 美国食品与药品管理局(The Food and Drug Administration)最近同意重新审视它有关何为“健康”食物的标准,这一举措凸显出我们的营养知识在最近几年发生了多大的变化——以及还有多少是未知的。 With the Morning Consult, a media and polling firm, we surveyed hundreds of nutritionists – members of the American Society for Nutrition – asking them whether they thought certain food items (about 50) were healthy. 我们和媒体与民调公司晨间顾问(Morning Consult)一起对数百名营养学家——美国营养学会(American Society for Nutrition)的成员——做问卷调查,询问他们是否认为某种食物(约50种)是健康的。 The Morning Consult also surveyed a representative sample of the American electorate, asking the same thing. 晨间顾问也在美国选民中选取有代表性的人群做问卷调查,向他们征询了同样的问题。 The results suggest a surprising diversity of opinion, even among experts. Yes, some foods, like kale, apples and oatmeal, are considered “healthy” by nearly everyone. And some, like soda, french fries and chocolate chip cookies, are not. But in between, some foods appear to benefit from a positive public perception, while others befuddle the public and experts alike. (We’re looking at you, butter.) 结果显示意见非常多样,令人意外,即便在专家群体内也是如此。没错,几乎所有人都认为羽衣甘蓝、苹果和燕麦等一些食物是“健康的”;汽水、炸薯条和巧克力曲奇则不是。但在介于二者之间的区域,一些食物似乎得益于正面的公众观念,而其他的则让公众和专家都感到困


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