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33 1 ( ) V ol 33 N o1
2008 2 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Feb 2008
史海霞, 周晓玲
( , 650093)
: 阐述了利用现代机电一体化技术及计算机技术设计制作的数字化控制冷却装置在材料
究中的作用, 以若干个与材料 究密切相关的环节为着眼点, 讨论了装置用于监控冷却介质的转
换温度 究合金元素及热处理工艺参数对相变点的改变测定介质冷却特性等的作用及可行
性, 为材料和材料性能设计提供了一个新的 究手段 对热处理工艺实现自动化具有积极的指导
: 数字化控制; 冷却装置; 机电一体化; 工件材料; 淬火冷却
: TG 155 : A : 1007 - 855X ( 200 8) 01- 0019 - 04
A pplicat ion of D ig ital C ontro l Coo ling A pparatu s to M aterial R esearch
SH I H ai-x ia, ZHOU X iao- ling
( F aculty of M echan ica l and Electrica l Engineering, K unm ing U niversity of Sc ience and Techno logy, Kunm ing 650093, Ch ina)
Abs tract: The function s of the d ig ital contro l coo ling apparatu s based on m odern m echa tron ics and com puter
technique in related m aterials stud ies are expounded in th is pap er Due to the mi portance of several key links on
m aterials researches, the feasib ility of the apparatu s on m on itoring the throw - over tem p eratures of d ifferen t coo-l
ing agents, study ing the effect of alloy ing elem ents and treating param eters on som e crit ica l points, as w ell as de-
term in ing the characterist ics o f different cooling agents is discu ssed T he app aratus can serve as a new research
dev ice for the design ing of a m ateria l and its prop erties The instru ctive function o f th is app aratus on prom ot ing
the au tom ation o f technolog ical processes is proved to be posit ive
K ey w ord s: dig ita l control; coo ling app aratus; m ech atronics; p art m aterial; qu ench ing
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