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200 12 15 # 397 # Rg3 1 2 智明春, 李兆艾 ( 11 , 100730; 21 , 030013) Rg3 (EMs) , ( VEGF) ( MVD) Wistar , 3 Rg3 5 mg/ kg10 mg/ kg 4 , 8 , , (VEGF) , CD31 , ( M VD) ( 1) , (P 01 05) , Rg3 10 mg/ kg ; (2) VEGF M VD (P 01 05) , Rg3 10 mg/ kg Rg3 VEGF MVD EMs Rg3; ; ; ; + R3 1 1 1 R9541 5 A 1004-3845(200 ) 0 -0397-05 Ant-i angiogenesis effect of ginsenoside Rg3 on endometriosis models of rats 1 ZH I M i ng-ch un , L I Zhao-a i 11D ep ar tme nt of th e Obst et ri cs Gy ne colog y , B ei ing H osp i ta l of H ea lt h M i nis tr y , B ei i ng 100730; 21D ep ar tme nt of t he Obs te tr ics Gy necolog y , Women and Ch il dr en H osp it al of S h anx i P r ov i nce , Ta iy uan 030013 Abstract Objective: T o observe the effect of ginsenoside Rg3 on vascular endothelial growth factor( VEGF) and micro-vessel density( MVD) in the ectopic endometrial grafts of endometriosis rat models1 Methods: T he endometriosis model w as established in Wistar rats and the model rats w ere divided into 4 groups that w ere treated w ith normal saline ( control) , ginsenoside Rg3 5 mg/ kg, ginsenoside Rg3 10 mg/ kg and gestrinone, respectively1 A fter 8 w eeks of treatment, ectopic endometrium grafts w ere ex- amined for the volume and histomorphology1 T he expression of VEGF w as observed by immunohistochem- istry( SABC technique) and MVD w as determined by immunostaining for CD311 Results:( 1) T he volume of grafts in all treatment groups w as significantly reduced in comparison w ith


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