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摘要 cases) , chemother apy(group C 55 cases) according
to the treatment procedure in clinic . Comp are the
目的 探讨异位妊娠介入治疗、腹腔镜保守手术 serum β-human chorionic gonadotropin ( β-HCG)
治疗和化学药物保守治疗临床运用的差异。 concentrations before treatment , the size of the pelvic
方法 164例已治愈患者根据治疗方法分介入治疗 mass , pelvid haemorrhage , the fetal cardiac activity
(A组) 、腹腔镜保守手术治疗(B组) 、化学药物保守治 is appeared or not , the average incharge days and the
疗(C组)进行比较,分别观察术前血清 β-HCG 、术前盆 cost , then the result of reopen condition of the diseased
腔包块径线、有无胎心搏动和盆腔出血情况、平均住 fallopian by hysterosalpingography(HSG) after three
院天数和费用、术后患侧输卵管通畅情况。 months of treatment .
结果 A组术前平均血清 β-HCG较后两组高( P
0 .0 1) ,B组其次 ,C组最低 ;术前盆腔包块径线A Result : β-HCG concentrations( P0 .0 1) and pelvic
组最大( P0 .05) ,B组其次 ,C组最小 ;A组术前盆 mass size( P0 .05) of group A are the highest and the
腔包块内有19例见胎心搏动 ,16例有后穹隆积液 , biggest , these two signs of group B are in the middle ,
后两组均未见胎心搏动与积液 ;B 组住院天数最短 group C got the lowest number among these three groups;
( P0 .0 1) ,A 组、C组最长 ;C组治疗费用最低( P 19 cases had fetal cardic activety and 16 cases had pelvic
0 .0 1) ,B组其次,A组最高;术后三个月子宫输卵管 haemorrhage sign in group A , but no such case in group
造影 (Hysterosalpingoraphy ,HSG ),A组患侧输卵 B and group C; the average incharge days of group B is
管通畅率最高( P0 .05) ,B组其次,C组最低。 the shortest( P0 .0 1) in the three groups and the cost o